So glad you stopped by! You know the saying that practice makes perfect? Well, with this blog I'm chronicling my journey to reaching 10 000 hours (the amount needed to learn a new skill well) at card crafting. And yes, I'm enjoying the process :)
Hyvää syntymäpäivää tammikuussa!
Tämän kalenterisivun saa ystäväni joka viettää tammikuussa synttäreitään. Osallistun kalenterisivullani seuraavin haasteisiin: Simon Says Wednesday (Party), Allsorts (Anything but Christmas), Deep Ocean (ATG) ja Creative Inspirations (ATG).
Pariisi maaliskuussa
Kevät Pariisissa, ei kai tarvitse sanoa muuta tämän kalenterisivun inspiraatiosta :)
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Simon Says Wednesday (Make it Sparkle), Allsorts (Anything but Christmas), Deep Ocean (ATG), Creative Inspirations (ATG), Creative Moments (ATG) ja Art by Miran (ATG).
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Simon Says Wednesday (Make it Sparkle), Allsorts (Anything but Christmas), Deep Ocean (ATG), Creative Inspirations (ATG), Creative Moments (ATG) ja Art by Miran (ATG).
Mina tjejer njuter av en kväll i gott sällskap och en drink eller tre ;)
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Simon Says Wednesday (Make it Sparkle), Papertake Weekly (Choose your challenge: Bingo: Gems - Free, 3D in this case - Lace), Allsorts (Anything but Christmas) och Deep Ocean (ATG).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Simon Says Wednesday (Make it Sparkle), Papertake Weekly (Choose your challenge: Bingo: Gems - Free, 3D in this case - Lace), Allsorts (Anything but Christmas) och Deep Ocean (ATG).
Star Wars Jul
Sista minuten inspiration blev det till en av mina svägerskor och hennes man som är Star Wars fantaster. Jag blev faktiskt ganska nöjd själv :)
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Inky Impressions (Someone Special at Christmas: My sis-in-law and her hubby), Crafty Gals Corner (ATG), Card and Scrap (Alt er lov), Fan-Tastic Tuesday ('twas the night before Christmas), Deep Ocean (ATG), TTCRD (ATG) och Cards und More (Weihnachten).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Inky Impressions (Someone Special at Christmas: My sis-in-law and her hubby), Crafty Gals Corner (ATG), Card and Scrap (Alt er lov), Fan-Tastic Tuesday ('twas the night before Christmas), Deep Ocean (ATG), TTCRD (ATG) och Cards und More (Weihnachten).
For someone special!
A friend asked for extra tall cards for her sons for gift cards for Christmas, one with a travel theme and the other should preferably have a pin-up girl. It was challenging just to make a larger sized card than usually, as there was a lot of extra space to be used up :)
I'm participating in these challenges: Inky Impressions (Someone Special at Christmas, so my friends boys), Crafty Gals Corner (ATG), Card and Scrap (Alt er lov), Fan-Tastic Tuesday ('twas the night before Christmas), Creative Inspirations (ATG) and Simon Says Monday (Winter wonderland, the first card).
God Jul!
God Jul - Hyvää Joulua - Merry Christmas! May the Magic of Christmas be yours!
Temat på DTBST utmaningen är passande nog God Jul (Merry Christmas), så kom med och delta!
Jag deltar också i följande utmaningar: Simon Says Wednesday (Make it Sparkle), Cute Card Thursday (ATG), Dream Valley (Christmas) och Winter Wonderland (Christmas Bingo: Snowflakes - Glitter - Rhinestones).
Temat på DTBST utmaningen är passande nog God Jul (Merry Christmas), så kom med och delta!
Jag deltar också i följande utmaningar: Simon Says Wednesday (Make it Sparkle), Cute Card Thursday (ATG), Dream Valley (Christmas) och Winter Wonderland (Christmas Bingo: Snowflakes - Glitter - Rhinestones).
December kalendersida
En av mina väninnor får ett kalender-set med denna sida för december. Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Card and Scrap (Alt er lov), TTCRD (ATG), Cards und More (Weinachten), Fan-Tastic Tuesday ('twas the night before Christmas) och Dream Valley (Christmas).
Jouluiloa Downton Abbey:ssä
Tykkään kovasti näistä KennyK:n Downton digikuvista! Ehkä koska se saa ajatukset kääntymään sarjaan :) Olenkin säästänyt viimeisimmän jakson Downton Abbey-sarjaa katsomatta jotta voin joulunaikaan käpertyä jossain vaiheessa telkkarin ääneen nauttimaan siitä.
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Kenny K (ATG), I love Promarkers (Vintage/Retro), CHNC (ATG Christmas), CHNC Extra (Christmas), Dream Valley (Christmas) ja Crafting from the Heart (ATG).
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Kenny K (ATG), I love Promarkers (Vintage/Retro), CHNC (ATG Christmas), CHNC Extra (Christmas), Dream Valley (Christmas) ja Crafting from the Heart (ATG).
Warm Wishes!
Dear hubby brought these cutie pies with him from his state-side visit, but unfortunately I now noticed that the die in the set did not fit the penguins but was too small! So a bit of a let-down! But the fellas (that I colored with my Promarkers) themselves are cute as can be. Oh, and the background papers I made myself inspired by the Simon Says Monday Challenge Just a pinch of... and n my case salt. I hadn't heard about the salt technique before, but now I grabbed my kids watercolors and salt and experimented, and then cut the papers into the right size. I think more water would have been needed, but I'll try that next time!
I'm entering my pair into these challenges: CHNC (ATG Christmas), CHNC Extra (Christmas), Catch the Bug (Penguin Parade) and Passion for Promarker (Let's Celebrate).
I'm entering my pair into these challenges: CHNC (ATG Christmas), CHNC Extra (Christmas), Catch the Bug (Penguin Parade) and Passion for Promarker (Let's Celebrate).
Varma julhälsningar
Varma vantar är vintrigt och varmt och symboliserar varma hälsningar på mitt kort. Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Simon Says Wednesday (Die Crazy), Di's Digi Designs (Anything Christmas), CHNC (ATG Christmas), CHNC Extra (Christmas) och Polkadoodles (ATG).
Sassy Star Wars Bloghop
The day has *finally* arrived when we get to share the lovely, cute and fun new Sassy Studio Designs images, so I'm guessing you're on an inspirational intergalactical tour right now and I'd like to welcome you to my crafty corner. Join the joyride and have a chance of winning some fab images!
Your nex stop is over at Jeannean's
Here is the complete bloghop order:
SSD: http:// sassystudiodesigns.blogspot .com/
Kim -http:// itsallaboutcrafting.blogspo
Samantha – http:// uk/
Judy - http://
Greg - http://
Jo D – http:// www.helpyoufindit.blogspot.
Kel – http://
Chris - http:// cattsscratchingpost.blogspo
Kitty – http://
Rachelle – http:// www.imblackmartha.blogspot. com/
Cindy - http://
Carrie - http:// carrieshandmadecards.blogsp
GDT Judy Rogers - http://
GDT Sheri Scraps - http:// m/
GDT Jessica - http:// (You're here!)
GDT Jeannean - http:// papercraftingnean.blogspot. com/
GDT Suzi - http:// suzannebakermckenzie.blogsp
GDT Art Jypsy - http:// ajcreativeenergy.blogspot.c om/
GDT Ema -
GDT Shelley - http://
GDT Karen - http:// busyinspirations.blogspot.c om/
SSD Store http:// buysassystudiodesigns.blogs
My sister in law who celebrates her birthday in January just might get this one - she has humor and is a Star Wars fan, so the perfect match me think (I say trying to impersonate Yoda talk).
Your nex stop is over at Jeannean's
Here is the complete bloghop order:
SSD: http://
Kim -http://
Samantha – http://
Judy - http://
Greg - http://
Jo D – http://
Kel – http://
Chris - http://
Kitty – http://
Rachelle – http://
Cindy - http://
Carrie - http://
GDT Judy Rogers - http://
GDT Sheri Scraps - http://
GDT Jessica - http://
GDT Jeannean - http://
GDT Suzi - http://
GDT Art Jypsy - http://
GDT Ema -
GDT Shelley - http://
GDT Karen - http://
SSD Store http://
My sister in law who celebrates her birthday in January just might get this one - she has humor and is a Star Wars fan, so the perfect match me think (I say trying to impersonate Yoda talk).
Let it Snow!
You are in for a treat with the Flash Back Friday giveaway over at the Sassy Design Studio Facebook pages. The theme is Frozen with both Anna and Elsa images available for free for 24 hours (note, this is the last FBF for this year!), and this just seems to be as popular as ever!
I'm participating in the following challenges with my creation: ABC Christmas (Y is for younsters, and mine love Elsa and Anna also for Christmas), Papertake Weekly (ATG), Simply Papercraft (ATG), Art By Miran (ATG), TTCRD (ATG), Penny's (ATG) and Bunny Zoe (Sparkle).
I'm participating in the following challenges with my creation: ABC Christmas (Y is for younsters, and mine love Elsa and Anna also for Christmas), Papertake Weekly (ATG), Simply Papercraft (ATG), Art By Miran (ATG), TTCRD (ATG), Penny's (ATG) and Bunny Zoe (Sparkle).
Min glada flicka som är lika säker som jag i backen (om jag skulle ta mig dít, förstås) deltar i följande utmaningar: Paper Shelter (ATG), Kort o Mania (Jul), Penny's (ATG), Deep Ocean (ATG), Creative Inspirations (Merry Christmas) och Crafting By Designs (Here come the Holidays).
Reindeer games
I colored my lovely new stamps with Promarkers and Flexmarkers and I'm participating in these challenges: Pinspirational, Creative Card Crew (Holiday Season), Creative Inspirations (ATG), Art Impressions (Resolutions - and in my case my personal resolution is not a new year's one but just to be merry at Christmas and skip the stress), Incy Wincy (Christmas related Make it Funny) and Passion for Promarker (Let's Celebrate).
VAd svårt det är att fotografera kort nu när det känss som att det är mörkt dygnet runt. Men blixten fick med lite glitter som jag inte ens sett och därför skakat bort, nu finns säkert det mesta med i kuvertet :)
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Sketch Saturday, Dream Valley (Die cuts and punches), CHNC (Christmas) och Come and Get It (Christmas).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Sketch Saturday, Dream Valley (Die cuts and punches), CHNC (Christmas) och Come and Get It (Christmas).
Christmas tag
I made a tag yesterday and was then later in the evening inspired to make a similar one, and here is the result. I hope the friends I'll meet later today who both will get these will like them! Here too, the sentiment is Christmas Joy in Finnish.
I'm participating in these challenges with my tag: KennyK (Tag You're it), Sparkles Monthly (Anything but a card), Crafty Catz (Sparkle and Shine) and Simon Says Wednesday (Tag it!)
Final Christmas Chaos Card
I can't believe I made it! I've now completed all the Catch the Bug Christmas Chaos (this one for Day 5m pick a treat: Stripes & Bling) challenges and with 20 minutes to spare :) I remember last year, I had a few minutes (literally like two) when my computer froze, but somehow I managed to make it then too! I'm also participating in these challenges: Winter Wonderland (Snow People), CRAFT (Christmas) Crafter's Café (Die cuts or punches), CHNC (ATG Christmas) and Penny's (ATG).
Gift tag
The text says Christmas Joy in Finnish, so I thought that would be appropriate with this fun-loving gal, as well as the friend who will get this one. I love my bauble dies as I've previously made some quick and easy tags for pressies. She was fun to color as well with Promarkers and glitter pens.
I'm participating in these fun challenges: KennyK (Tag You're it), Catch the Bug (Christmas Chaos Day 6: Show us Your Wrap), I love Promarkers (ATG) and Papertake Weekly (Fun fun fun).
I'm participating in these fun challenges: KennyK (Tag You're it), Catch the Bug (Christmas Chaos Day 6: Show us Your Wrap), I love Promarkers (ATG) and Papertake Weekly (Fun fun fun).
Christmas Fun!
I just might not make it this year, that is participate in all 7 challenges over at Catch the Bug. But I'll try :) This is my entry for day 3, the color challenge. I'm also entering this card into these challenges: I love Promarkers (ATG), Papertake Weekly (Fun fun fun) and the Ribbon Girl (ATG).
Låt det snöa!
Det som är kul med utmaningar är just det att man utmanar sig. Nu fick jag för mig att DETTA projekt var när ag för första gången skulle använda Inka Gold, och det betedde sig ju inte som jag trott. Så lite mera bling blev det än jag planerat men jag kör med det ändå och deltar i följande utmaningar: Catch the Bug (Christmas Chaos: Bingo: Snowflake - ribbon - 3 layers), Pile it On (Christmas/Winter) och Crafty Catz (Sparkle & Shine).
Sassy freebie for grabs (24h)
This fun Sassy Studio Designs gal is yours for the taking if you join the Facebook group - but be ware, she will only be available for 24 hours!
I'm also participating in these challenges: CRAFT (Christmas), Glitter'n'Sparkle (ATG), Crafty Gals (ATG) and Penny's (ATG).
I'm also participating in these challenges: CRAFT (Christmas), Glitter'n'Sparkle (ATG), Crafty Gals (ATG) and Penny's (ATG).
Santa with the pressies
My Santa is tip toeing with the pressies into these challenges: Catch the Bug (Christmas Chaos: Here comes Santa), Tuesday Morning Sketches, Brown Sugar (Button), Aloha Friday (Christmas), Creative Card Crew (Holiday Season) and Glitter'n'Sparkle (ATG).
Tomten i tropikerna
Min solande jultomte deltar i följande utmaningar: Catch the Bug (Christmas Day 4: Recipe: 3 layers of paper, 2 embellishments; Bow & Star, 1 word sentiment), CRAFT (Christmas), Creative Card Crew (Holiday Season), Crafty Gals (ATG), Papertake Weekly (Fun Fun Fun) och Penny's (ATG).
Final SSD teaser
Tässä on tämän päivän tiiseri Sassy Studio Designs:n tulevasta upouudesta kokoelmasta, arvaatko kuka se on? Käy SSD:n sivuilla arvaamassa, niin voit voittaa hienoja palkintoja! Kaikki säännöt ja ohjeet löytyy scrollaamalla pikkusen alas :)
Huomenna alkaa blogihyppeli, tulethan mukaan?!?
Huomenna alkaa blogihyppeli, tulethan mukaan?!?

Här är dagens teaser för den brandnya samlingen från Sassy Studio Designs, kan du gissa vem det är? Gå till SSD-sidorna och lägg in din gissning så kan du vinna fina priser. För alla regler och instruktioner, scrolla ner lite :)
Imorgon börjar vår bloghop, visst hänger du med?!?

Torstain SSD tiiseri
Tässä on tämän päivän tiiseri Sassy Studio Designs:n tulevasta upouudesta kokoelmasta, arvaatko kuka se on? Käy SSD:n sivuilla arvaamassa, niin voit voittaa hienoja palkintoja! Kaikki säännöt ja ohjeet löytyy scrollaamalla pikkusen alas :)
Här är dagens teaser för den brandnya samlingen från Sassy Studio Designs, kan du gissa vem det är? Gå till SSD-sidorna och lägg in din gissning så kan du vinna fina priser. För alla regler och instruktioner, scrolla ner lite :)

Santa and Frosty again
I'm loving this simple design that as a bonus lets me use my scraps and this fun new stamps of mine that I color with my Promarkers. I'm participating in the following challenges: Passion for Promarker (Mega Christmas Challenge), I love Promarkers (ATG), Creative Moments (ATG w/ Traditional Christmas twist), Brown Sugar (ATG), Deep Ocean (Santa is coming to town) and Winter Wonderland (Holly and Ivy).
Onsdagens SSD teaser
Här är dagens teaser för den brandnya samlingen från Sassy Studio Designs, kan du gissa vem det är? Gå till SSD-sidorna och lägg in din gissning sp kan du vinna fina priser. För alla regler och instruktioner, scrolla ner lite :)
Tässä on tämän päivän tiiseri Sassy Studio Designs:n tulevasta upouudesta kokoelmasta, arvaatko kuka se on? Käy SSD:n sivuilla arvaamassa, niin voit voittaa hienoja palkintoja! Kaikki säännöt ja ohjeet löytyy scrollaamalla pikkusen alas :)

Tiistain Sassy Studio Designs Tiiseri

Tässä on tämän päivän tiiseri Sassy Studio Designs:n tulevasta upouudesta kokoelmasta, arvaatko kuka se on? Käy SSD:n sivuilla arvaamassa, niin voit voittaa hienoja palkintoja! Kaikki säännöt ja ohjeet löytyy scrollaamalla pikkusen alas :)
Här är dagens teaser för den brandnya samlingen från Sassy Studio Designs, kan du gissa vem det är? Gå till SSD-sidorna och lägg in din gissning sp kan du vinna fina priser. För alla regler och instruktioner, scrolla ner lite :)

Christmas scene
This serene winter / christmas scene dy Delicious Doodles is just *so* beautiful, and thanks to the lovely shadings already in it, I felt even I could color it pretty with my Promarkers :)
I'm participating in the following challenges: I love Promarkers (Winter), Suzy Bee (An outdoor scene), Crafty Catz (Let it Snow), Creative Inspirations (ATG), and Passion for Promarker (Christmas tree).
I'm participating in the following challenges: I love Promarkers (Winter), Suzy Bee (An outdoor scene), Crafty Catz (Let it Snow), Creative Inspirations (ATG), and Passion for Promarker (Christmas tree).
Pikkutonttuni toimittaa joulupaketin perille ja osallistuu seuraaviin haasteisiin: Catch the Bug (Christmas Chaos Day Two: Sketch), Pile it On (ATG Christmas/Winter) ja Brown Sugar (ATG).
SSD new release teasers!
Good Morning Sassy Fans!!!! Well, the wait is finally over!!!! As always, there is excitement building around Sassy Studios and the Design Team has been working really hard to make another round of Sassy creations that are OUT OF THIS WORLD! I'm just so pleased to be allowed to be a small part of this all :)
BEFORE I show you the teasers, I want to explain how our NEW PRIZE system works. THREE chances to win......ready???
i) For each day there is a teaser, you are to GUESS what you think each image is going to be (be specific!!). You must guess ON the teaser post of the SSD blog. For the 5 days of teasers, ONE WINNER who guessed the most correctly will win the ENTIRE collection!!!
ii) FOUR lucky BLOG HOP participants from 4 RANDOMLY CHOSEN DT blogs will win 1 image of their choice.
iii) Grand Prize winner at the END of the HOP will win the entire collection
Thanks again to our little brother Greg for the teasers - he's pretty talented eh?!?!
Stay tuned EVERY DAY THIS WEEK for more teasers!!! AND then, be sure to come back SATURDAY, Dec. 12 to participate in our New Release BLOG HOP!!!! You will have fun, get lots of inspiration and have a chance to win some great prizes!!!!
It's a collection that is OUT OF THIS WORLD, you won't want to miss it!!!!
Here is today's teaser, can you guess who/what it is?
BEFORE I show you the teasers, I want to explain how our NEW PRIZE system works. THREE chances to win......ready???
i) For each day there is a teaser, you are to GUESS what you think each image is going to be (be specific!!). You must guess ON the teaser post of the SSD blog. For the 5 days of teasers, ONE WINNER who guessed the most correctly will win the ENTIRE collection!!!
ii) FOUR lucky BLOG HOP participants from 4 RANDOMLY CHOSEN DT blogs will win 1 image of their choice.
iii) Grand Prize winner at the END of the HOP will win the entire collection
Thanks again to our little brother Greg for the teasers - he's pretty talented eh?!?!
Stay tuned EVERY DAY THIS WEEK for more teasers!!! AND then, be sure to come back SATURDAY, Dec. 12 to participate in our New Release BLOG HOP!!!! You will have fun, get lots of inspiration and have a chance to win some great prizes!!!!
It's a collection that is OUT OF THIS WORLD, you won't want to miss it!!!!
Here is today's teaser, can you guess who/what it is?

Jag deltar med mitt kort i följande utmaningar: Card Mania (Christmas), Bunny Zoe (Sparkle), QKR Stampede (Use some glitter), ABC (W is for Wishes), Sparkles Christmas (Die cuts), Dies R Us (Christmas) och Come and Get It (Merry Christmas).
Merry & Bright
Jag gillar min snögubbe och jultomte, så kommer nog att bara ihop dem flera gånger! Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Fab'nFunky (Santa Claus is coming), Dream Valley (Stiching), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (Santa), Aloha Friday (Christmas), Brown Sugar (ATG), Cute Card Thursday (Festive Colors) och Deep Ocean (Santa is coming to Town).
Pin-up Xmas
This is my GDT entry in the Sassy Studio Designs Progressive challenge in December. Join the group on Facebook, if you haven't already, and get the image for free (for full details, please see the Facebook page), but basically as long as you enter the challenge monthly, you will continue to receive a free image.
I'm also entering my card into the following challenges: Suzy Bee (Use a die cut - I love my text dies!), Papertake Weekly (ATG), Inky Chicks (Merry Christmas), Creative Inspirations (ATG) and Creative Knockouts (Tis the season).
I'm also entering my card into the following challenges: Suzy Bee (Use a die cut - I love my text dies!), Papertake Weekly (ATG), Inky Chicks (Merry Christmas), Creative Inspirations (ATG) and Creative Knockouts (Tis the season).
Den här fina bilden som jag hittat i Vintagearkku, och använt redan många gånger tidigare, är så stämningsfull tycker jag.
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Sketch Saturday, Gem of a Challenge (Inspired by a song: Holy Night / Heliga Natt), Card Mania (Christmas), Card and Scrap (Alt er lov), Inky Chicks (Merry Christmas), Dies R Us (Christmas) och Art By Miran (ATG).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Sketch Saturday, Gem of a Challenge (Inspired by a song: Holy Night / Heliga Natt), Card Mania (Christmas), Card and Scrap (Alt er lov), Inky Chicks (Merry Christmas), Dies R Us (Christmas) och Art By Miran (ATG).
Ho ho ho, here is Frosty and Santa!
I've really cranked up the Christmas Card production, even if that sounds sort of negative as we're talking about something I love to do :) Ooh, and lovely hubby brought me these cute stamps from his trip to the States as any reason is a good reason to get some more crafting supplies, right?
I'm participating in these challenges: Gem of a Challenge (Inspired by a song: Frosty the Snowman), Passion for Promarker (Christmas is coming - jag har färgat bilden med mina Promarkers), Come and Get It (ATG w/ Sentiment), Inky Impressions (Traditional Christmas Colors), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (Santa) and Crafty Gals Corner (ATG).
I'm participating in these challenges: Gem of a Challenge (Inspired by a song: Frosty the Snowman), Passion for Promarker (Christmas is coming - jag har färgat bilden med mina Promarkers), Come and Get It (ATG w/ Sentiment), Inky Impressions (Traditional Christmas Colors), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (Santa) and Crafty Gals Corner (ATG).
Tulen niin hyväle tuulelle tästä iloisesta Paper Shelter kuvasta!
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Paper Shelter (Christmas card), Simon Says Wednesday (ATG), Card and Scrap (Christmas), Inky Impressions (Traditional Christmas Colors) ja Papertake Weekly (Take your pick: red & green).
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Paper Shelter (Christmas card), Simon Says Wednesday (ATG), Card and Scrap (Christmas), Inky Impressions (Traditional Christmas Colors) ja Papertake Weekly (Take your pick: red & green).
Stilla Natt!
Jag tycker att jag gjort julkort jämnt under hela året, men ändå känns det som att jag inte gjort tillräckligt at dem!
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Papertake Weekly (Sketch #33), Passion for Promarker (Christmas is coming - jag har färgat bilden med mina Promarkers), Simon Says Wednesday (ATG), Card and Scrap (Christmas), Gem of a Challenge (Inspired by a song: Silent Night / Stilla Natt), Suzy Bee (Use a die cut) och CHNCH (Use die cuts or punches).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Papertake Weekly (Sketch #33), Passion for Promarker (Christmas is coming - jag har färgat bilden med mina Promarkers), Simon Says Wednesday (ATG), Card and Scrap (Christmas), Gem of a Challenge (Inspired by a song: Silent Night / Stilla Natt), Suzy Bee (Use a die cut) och CHNCH (Use die cuts or punches).
Live Long and Prosper
Sassy Studio Designs is sponsoring the Brown Sugar Challenge this week, where the theme is to use pearls. So just head over there and you could win some sassy images :)
I'm participating in these challenges: Incy Wincy (Tic tac toe: Pearls - free: bow - use a die), Papertake Weekly (Take your pick: Glitter it Up: I put glitter on the Congrats/Onnea die cut), Simon Says Wednesday (ATG), Creative Moments (ATG/Bling it Up) and SImply Papercraft (ATG).
I'm participating in these challenges: Incy Wincy (Tic tac toe: Pearls - free: bow - use a die), Papertake Weekly (Take your pick: Glitter it Up: I put glitter on the Congrats/Onnea die cut), Simon Says Wednesday (ATG), Creative Moments (ATG/Bling it Up) and SImply Papercraft (ATG).
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