Den här bilden har jag använt många gånger, och nu blev den offer för mina Glossy försök som jag för första gången använder.
Jag deltar i: Tuesday Morning SKetches (Turnes 180 degrees), Digitally Sweet (ATG), Crafty Gals Corner (Try something new: This is the first time I've used glossy), Creative Knockouts (Animal Antics), Simon Says Wednesday (ATG) och Avenue 613 (ATG with an optional twist that I almost nailed; Image - Sentiment-Glossy - XXX- twine).
So glad you stopped by! You know the saying that practice makes perfect? Well, with this blog I'm chronicling my journey to reaching 10 000 hours (the amount needed to learn a new skill well) at card crafting. And yes, I'm enjoying the process :)
Sinisiä fiiliksiä
Värimaailma tähän korttiin tuli Paperillan korttihaasteesta #5, mutta en tosin pystynyt olla käyttämättä kuviopapereita :) Luonnos on Sweet Sketch Wednesday:n.
Casing it
Polkadoodles casing it challenge inspired me to create this card as inspired by this gorgeous one over at Pöydän Kulma. Just the other day I purchased these lovely images that are in the same series, and then I basically copied the elements of the card: composition, and e.g. the flower. The only thing I added was some liquid pearls just to get a few more green elements. The end result isn't as great as the original, but it is meant as an hommage. I'm also participating in Southern Girls (Sparkle and Shine) and Simon Says Wednesday (ATG).
Spiderman Andy to the rescue!
My Spiderman Andy is coming to the rescue, namely if there are any birthday candles to be put out and cake to be eaten!
He's participating in: Sketch Saturday, Gem of a Challenge (Birthday Card for a Boy), Kraftin Kimmie (All about the Boys), Inspiration Destination (ATG), Sentimental Sunday (ATG w/ sentiment), Aloha Friday (Scraps: All papers are from scraps, I even cut the size of the card to fit the size of the background paper) and Open-Minded Crafting fun (Movie inspiration: Spiderman).
He's participating in: Sketch Saturday, Gem of a Challenge (Birthday Card for a Boy), Kraftin Kimmie (All about the Boys), Inspiration Destination (ATG), Sentimental Sunday (ATG w/ sentiment), Aloha Friday (Scraps: All papers are from scraps, I even cut the size of the card to fit the size of the background paper) and Open-Minded Crafting fun (Movie inspiration: Spiderman).
Oktober ballerina
Efter kort paus går kalender-makeriet vidare, nu dansade jag fram till oktober.
Jag deltar i: Crafty Ribbons (Anything but a card), All Dressed Up (ATG), Digitally Sweet (Dance like nobody's watching), Avenue 613 (ATG w/ create your own challenge, and my choices are: Image - die cut - glossy accents, if the glittery paper counts - ribbon) och TTCRD (ATG).
Jag deltar i: Crafty Ribbons (Anything but a card), All Dressed Up (ATG), Digitally Sweet (Dance like nobody's watching), Avenue 613 (ATG w/ create your own challenge, and my choices are: Image - die cut - glossy accents, if the glittery paper counts - ribbon) och TTCRD (ATG).
Med körsbär som pricken på i:et
Pappret jag har i bakgrunden och texten är från en pysseltiding, och bilden från ett kort jag själv fått för flera år sedan och nu hittade av misstag. Men visst är det läckert, själv fick jag lust på muffins och körsbär :)
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: C.R.A.F.T. (Recycling: The image is from a card I have received some years back), Cupcake Inspirations, Winter Wonderland (Only one DP), Sentimental Sundays (ATG) och Penny's (ATG).
P*skishaasteen vinoneliöt
P*skarteluhaasteessa teemana on vinoneliöt. Pari miehistä stanssia ja paperit ja toivotukset askarteluhaasteen kylikiäisinä. Eli erittäin yksinkertaisesti toteutettuna, ja värimaailma ihanasti nykymiehelle sopivana!
Vintage Easel Card for Mom
This is what I have made for my mom's birthday.
I'm participating in: Robyn's Fetish (Vintage Look), Bunny Zoe (Hearts), Incy Wincy (Easel card), Inky Impressions (Folds), Creative Inspirations (Pretty Pearls), Card Mania (Make it Sparkle), Crafting for all Seasons (Things with Wings) and Simon Says Wednesday (Have a Heart).
Bugaboo is 5!
My older daughter is five, meaning she has friends turning five, so I'm thinking one of them will get this card. Also, it's fitting as this is my final entry in the Bugaboo Birthday challenge week celebrating Bugaboo turning 5.
I'm participating in the following challenges: Catch the Bug (Recipe: My fave treat is popcorn, so I added some 3D objects), Tuesday Morning Sketches, Winter Wonderland (Only one DP), Crafts 4 Eternity (Numbers), Fab'n'Funky (Button it) and Penny's (ATG).
I'm participating in the following challenges: Catch the Bug (Recipe: My fave treat is popcorn, so I added some 3D objects), Tuesday Morning Sketches, Winter Wonderland (Only one DP), Crafts 4 Eternity (Numbers), Fab'n'Funky (Button it) and Penny's (ATG).
Call the fire brigade, we have candles that need to be put out!
Ooh, this didn't photograph too well: The sentiment is a classic Bugabo Stella: You know you're old when... the firemen are called because your candles caught on fire!
I'm participating in: Catch the Bug (Birthday bash: Humor me), Friday Sketch, C.R.A.F.T. (Recycling: The ribbon was originally around some card blanks I purchased), Cute Card Thursday (Colorful), Sister Act, Fab'n'Funky (Button it) and Dream Valley (ATG).
I'm participating in: Catch the Bug (Birthday bash: Humor me), Friday Sketch, C.R.A.F.T. (Recycling: The ribbon was originally around some card blanks I purchased), Cute Card Thursday (Colorful), Sister Act, Fab'n'Funky (Button it) and Dream Valley (ATG).
Min clown firar födelsedag i följande utmaningar: Catch the Bug (Birtday bash: Send in the clowns), Sweet Sketch Wednesday, Cute Card Thursday (Colorful) och Artistic Inspirations (ATG w/ twist of triangles).
Rock on!
Den här rock-killen är nog en av de digi-bilder jag använt mest, och jag kommer nog att göra det i framtiden också! Rock on!
Han rockar in i följande utmaningar: Catch the Bug (Color Palette - and I was inspired by the paint splashes too), Penny's (ATG), Digi Sketch (Sketch Only), Gem of a Challenge (Birthday for a Boy), Dies R Us (Use an ambossing folder: both the yellow background and the red sign + diecuts), Open Minded Crafting (Movie Inspiration: Rock of Ages).
Han rockar in i följande utmaningar: Catch the Bug (Color Palette - and I was inspired by the paint splashes too), Penny's (ATG), Digi Sketch (Sketch Only), Gem of a Challenge (Birthday for a Boy), Dies R Us (Use an ambossing folder: both the yellow background and the red sign + diecuts), Open Minded Crafting (Movie Inspiration: Rock of Ages).
Jag tycker pappret i sig är så festligt att jag inte ville täcka in det alltför mycket.
Jag deltar i: Catch the Bug (Photo Inspiration), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Cute), Send a Smile 4 Kids (ATG for kids), Brown Sugar (Birthday for a Girl), Dream Valley (ATG), Craft Your Passion (ATG) och Suzy Bee (Add some sparkle: it doesn't show too clearly but there is glitter in the DP and in the coloring).
Jag deltar i: Catch the Bug (Photo Inspiration), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Cute), Send a Smile 4 Kids (ATG for kids), Brown Sugar (Birthday for a Girl), Dream Valley (ATG), Craft Your Passion (ATG) och Suzy Bee (Add some sparkle: it doesn't show too clearly but there is glitter in the DP and in the coloring).
Ballonger på födelsedagen
Ute snöar det men jag känner just nu mest för att pyssla med glada vårfärger, kanske knapparna i ljuvliga karamell-färger jag köpte i går hjälper till med att fixa stämningen?
Jag deltar i: Catch the Bug (Birthday Sketch), ABC (B is for Buttons and Bows, and if you want some additional Bs, there is a boy with balloons), Gem of a Challenge (Birthday for a Boy), Craft you Passion (ATG), Sister Act (ATG), Creative Inspirations (ATG), Simon Says Wednesday (It's a guy thing).
Ljusrött i kubik
Min dotter skall idag på kalas och kanske väljer hon att ge detta kort åt sin kompis?
Jag deltar i: Sketch Saturday, Ribbon Girl (Pink), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Cute), Brown Sugar (Birthday for a Girl), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (Use something recycled: The background is from a card I have received some years ago, and the ribbon was originally around something I purchased, some card stock perhaps?), Sentimental Sunday's (New Beginnings), Sister Act (ATG) och Creative Knockouts (Birthday).
Jag deltar i: Sketch Saturday, Ribbon Girl (Pink), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Cute), Brown Sugar (Birthday for a Girl), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (Use something recycled: The background is from a card I have received some years ago, and the ribbon was originally around something I purchased, some card stock perhaps?), Sentimental Sunday's (New Beginnings), Sister Act (ATG) och Creative Knockouts (Birthday).
Den här veckan är det födelsedagstema på Bugaboo som fyller fem, och eftersom jag gillar deras bilder (och humor!) skarpt, skall jag försöka delta i alla utmaningar. Helt av misstag blev det två olika bingo-rader med detta kort :) Jag deltar i: Catch the Bug (Birthday Bingo: Balloons - Stripes - Bright Colors or Animal - Bright Colors - Buttons), Tuesday Morning Sketches, Creative Knockouts (Birthday) och Send a Smile 4 Kids (ATG).
Large coffee to go, please!
I just love the Bugaboo humor, this sentiment makes me chuckle everytime! And many mornings I can sooo relate - TGIF today!
I'm participating in: Catch the Bug (Stella Says Sketch, turned 90 degrees), Cute Card Thursday (Just for Laughs), Incy Wincy (colors), Penny's (ATG) and Inky Chicks (ATG).

Pssst! Have a look, there is apparently something special brewing (or baking?) over at Catch the Bug, with a special 5th B-day coming up!
New Baby!
Sometimes things (cards) just don't turn out the way you think... I'm participating in: Sketch Saturday, Papertake Weekly (It's all New), Inky Chicks (ATG), Fab'n'Funky (It's all new: both baby and the die cut), Simon Says Wednesday (It's a Guy Thing) and Pink Gem (Something New: Baby and die cut).
Fun in the snow
This Bugaboo freebie from last year is very cute, and the DT work was inspirational, especially this card that inspired me to use the image twice. However, when positioning them, it despite my initial thought, looked better to have them slightly apart riding down the slopes.
I'm participating in the following challenges: Great Impressions (Snow Friends), Cupcake Inspirations (Snow Friends + colors), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Include some pink), Sweet Stamps (Winter Blues), Crafty Catz (Polka Dots), Love to Create (Snowflakes) and Suzy Bee (ATG w/ twist fun in the snow).
I'm participating in the following challenges: Great Impressions (Snow Friends), Cupcake Inspirations (Snow Friends + colors), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Include some pink), Sweet Stamps (Winter Blues), Crafty Catz (Polka Dots), Love to Create (Snowflakes) and Suzy Bee (ATG w/ twist fun in the snow).
Smile i mars
Jag har använt mig av skissen från Sketchy Colors som botten för min kalendersida för mars - månaden då min pojke firar sin födelsedag.
Jag deltar också i: Papertake Weekly (ATG), Creative Card Crew (For a Child) och C.R.A.F.T. (Not a Card).
Jag deltar också i: Papertake Weekly (ATG), Creative Card Crew (For a Child) och C.R.A.F.T. (Not a Card).
Rockande september
Tidigare i veckan fick jag den nya not-stansen hem med posten, så det passade ju bra med mina rockande tjejer samt temat Nytt på många utmaningar :)
Jag deltar i: Sweet Sketch Wednesday, Simon Says Monday (Old: the images I have used before, the note-dies are completely new), Dies R Us (ATG w/ something new: the notes), Allsorts (New and cute: well the gals are cute and the notes are new), Cute card Thursday (New and Cute), Pink Gem (Something New: the notes), Inky Impressions (Something new: the notes) och Simon Says Wednesday (Something New: The note-dies).
Jag tycker Bugaboos superhjälte är härlig, även om min femåring tycker att det inte är en mantel utan eld han har bakom sig - kanske det är därför han har sådan fart?
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Tuesday Morning Sketches, Catch the Bug (Bingo: Stitching - scallop - ribbon), Papertake Weekly (ATG), Love to Create (ATG) och Creative Card Crew (For a Child).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Tuesday Morning Sketches, Catch the Bug (Bingo: Stitching - scallop - ribbon), Papertake Weekly (ATG), Love to Create (ATG) och Creative Card Crew (For a Child).
Grattis till en Cowboy!
Jag använde mig av skissen på Friday Sketch, men det höll på att gå tokigt då jag glömde lägga in bandet som jag tänkt mig var knapparna är. Men tur nog kom jag på det här alternativet :)
Jag deltar i: Kraftin' Kimmie (Happy Birthday), Papertake Weekly (ATG), Love to Create (ATG), Creative Card Crew (For a Child) och Crafting by Designs (ATG).
Jag deltar i: Kraftin' Kimmie (Happy Birthday), Papertake Weekly (ATG), Love to Create (ATG), Creative Card Crew (For a Child) och Crafting by Designs (ATG).
P*skarteluhaasteeseen #260 mukaan kalenterisivulla
P*skarteluhaasteessa on tarjolla luonnos tällä kertaa, ja se pääsi pohjaksi huhtikuun kalenterisivulle. Valitsin Meljen'sin kuvan ja Lidlin ihana paperi, ajatuksena sanonta "April showers bring May flowers". Noh, vaihtoehtoisesti tietysti pääsiäispupu olisi voinut päästä pääosaan :) Kalenteripohja olen muuten napannut täältä, latasin sen exceliin missä käänsin kuukaudet ruotsiksi - koska mistään en löytänyt yhtä hyvää pohjaa, tai oikeastaan edes mitään pohjaa, joka olisi suomenruotsalaiselle sopiva, ts ruotsiksi suomalaisilla pyhillä :)
Halloween - November
You know how you're suddenly inspired by something completely out of the blue? In my case it's Halloween, wich is odd in so many ways :) Nontheless, I'm participating in: Sketch Saturday, Creative Knockouts (Girly Girl), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (Add Orange), Penny's (ATG), Clear it Out (Double ATG), Love to Create (ATG), Glitter'n'Sparkle (ATG), Kenny K (ATG w/ twist of new: mine is that this is a new kind of project for me making a calendar, and the orange paper is new, too).
January 2015 - Happy New Year!
Finally as January is well under way, I managed to finish my calender page for this month - but as I plan to have it on display for the whole year, it doesn't really matter :)
I'm participating in several challenges with a Something New theme, which for me is New Year (and that Happy New Year text die has only been used once or twice before Christmas): Gem of a Challenge, Inky Impressions, Crafter's Café, I love Promarkers (New Beginnings), and also the ATG challenges over at Kraftin' Kimmie, TTCRD, Penny's and Catch the Bug.
Pingvinkul i februari
Jag håller på med min kalender (eller rättare sagt kalendrar, för jag gör två) med flera månader parallellt, men nu är mitt problem att det finns färre månader än ideer :)
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Pinspirational, Kort o Mania (Blonder & Blått), Fairytale (Schnee), Allsorts (Cold and frosty colors), Melonheadz (Include a snowflake), Cute Card Thursday (ATG), Penny's (ATG), Catch the Bug (ATG) och Papertake Weekly (ATG)
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Pinspirational, Kort o Mania (Blonder & Blått), Fairytale (Schnee), Allsorts (Cold and frosty colors), Melonheadz (Include a snowflake), Cute Card Thursday (ATG), Penny's (ATG), Catch the Bug (ATG) och Papertake Weekly (ATG)
Hurra för 14-åringen!
Under julhelgen bläddrade jag i gamla pysseltidningar och blev inspirerad till detta kort - jag tyckte det var en skojig ide med spelkort som blev den rätta födelsedagssiffran, och så fick jag använda min nya födelsedagsstans för första gången - men eftersom den var lite för bred klippte jag av hatten som fick platsa separat bredvid texten.
Jag deltar i förljande utmaningar: Simon Says Wednesday (ATG), Glitter'nSparkle (ATG), Dies R Us (ATG w/ twist: and my new thing is the birthday die), Artistic Inspirations (ATG w/ twist of new), ABC (A is for Anything Goes) och Incy WIncy (Use a Number).
Jag deltar i förljande utmaningar: Simon Says Wednesday (ATG), Glitter'nSparkle (ATG), Dies R Us (ATG w/ twist: and my new thing is the birthday die), Artistic Inspirations (ATG w/ twist of new), ABC (A is for Anything Goes) och Incy WIncy (Use a Number).
Kalenderprojektet framskrider...
Idag var det oktober månad som inspirerade, skissen är från Sketch Saturday med flera tillagda element som igen var inspirerade av Passion for Promarker (Bingo: Ribbon - Die Cut - Buttons). Färgerna kom från temat på Winter Wonderland (Fave color combo: brown and turquoise). Jag deltar också i: Cute Card Thursday (ATG), Simon Says Wednesday (ATG) och Meljen's (ATG).
Under julhelgen var jag tvungen att packa undan mina pysselgrejer (eftersom de är vid & på matsalsbordet), och nu äntligen börjar jag komma igång igen.
Jag deltar i Passion for Promarker (Bingo: Ribbon - Die Cut - Buttons), Paper Nest Dolls (ATG), Tuesday Morning Sketches (ATG - challenge yourself: My challenge is to make my first calender for myself, and I'm approaching the months in inspiration order), I love Promarkers (ATG), Simon Says Wednesday (ATG), Penny's (ATG), Glitter'nSparkle (ATG) och Cute Card Thursday (ATG).
Jag deltar i Passion for Promarker (Bingo: Ribbon - Die Cut - Buttons), Paper Nest Dolls (ATG), Tuesday Morning Sketches (ATG - challenge yourself: My challenge is to make my first calender for myself, and I'm approaching the months in inspiration order), I love Promarkers (ATG), Simon Says Wednesday (ATG), Penny's (ATG), Glitter'nSparkle (ATG) och Cute Card Thursday (ATG).
Gott nytt år!
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