I can soo relate to this funny Bugaboo-lady, even though I seem to be having my phone attached to my hand :)
I'm participating in the following challenges: Catch the Bug (Stella says Sketch - with stretched elements admittedly), Crafter's Café (AG), Avenue 613 (AG), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG), MilkCoffee (Two or more die cuts), Simon Says Wednesday (AG) and Penny's (AG)
So glad you stopped by! You know the saying that practice makes perfect? Well, with this blog I'm chronicling my journey to reaching 10 000 hours (the amount needed to learn a new skill well) at card crafting. And yes, I'm enjoying the process :)
Jag gillar mina kombinerade Bugaboo-bilder, jag kände mig så kreativ då jag kom på att göra det :)
Jag deltar i: Glitter'n'Sparkle (Add some Purple), Cupcake Inspirations (colors), Whoopsi Daisy (Two or more dies), The Squirrel and the Fox (Inspired by a song: Joy to the World), Crafty Catz (AG), Papertake Weekly (It's a Jolly - Summer - Holiday) och Simon Says Wednesday (Emboss it).
Jag deltar i: Glitter'n'Sparkle (Add some Purple), Cupcake Inspirations (colors), Whoopsi Daisy (Two or more dies), The Squirrel and the Fox (Inspired by a song: Joy to the World), Crafty Catz (AG), Papertake Weekly (It's a Jolly - Summer - Holiday) och Simon Says Wednesday (Emboss it).
Seems a Little Sketchy #70 with Delicious Doodles
This fortnight we are sponsored at Seems a Little Sketchy by Delicious Doodles, who are offering 4 Digi Images to the winner. I love the image of the beach huts, I just this spring read a book where the setting was in part a beach town and a beach hut played a part in the plot... so I immediately came to think of that book and the summery feel it gave me when I was still eagerly awaiting the summer heat we are currently experiencing in Finland.
I'm participating in the following challenges:
Papertake Weekly (It's a jolly holiday - Summer holiday in my card)
Crafty Girls (AG),
Crafter's Café (AG),
Creative Inspirations (Here comes Summer),
Suzy Bee (AG),
Open Minded Crafting fun (Vacation related)
Happy Holidays
I'm cooling down in the summer heat by crafting Christmas cards, but mind - I'm not complaining!
I'm participating in the following challenges: Sketch Saturday, Papertake Weekly (It's a jolly holiday), Gem of a challenge (Spots & Stripes), Lexi's (Christmas in July), Creative Knock-Outs (Christmas in July), Crafting for all seasons (Christmas in July), Send a smile 4 kids (Christmas in July) and CHNC (Cute Christmas).
I'm participating in the following challenges: Sketch Saturday, Papertake Weekly (It's a jolly holiday), Gem of a challenge (Spots & Stripes), Lexi's (Christmas in July), Creative Knock-Outs (Christmas in July), Crafting for all seasons (Christmas in July), Send a smile 4 kids (Christmas in July) and CHNC (Cute Christmas).
Summertime, and the livin' is easy
Oooh, vilken het dag det varit idag, men härlig. Jag har varit till torget och köpt grönsaker, örter och dessutom jordgubbar som vi åt med glass, otroligt gott :)
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Friday Sketch, Passion for Promarker (Summer Lovin), Love to Create (Bright and Sunny), Cupcake Inspirations, Penny's (AG), Simon Says Monday (Mid-Summer), Fan-tastic Tuesday (AG) och Suzy Bee (AG).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Friday Sketch, Passion for Promarker (Summer Lovin), Love to Create (Bright and Sunny), Cupcake Inspirations, Penny's (AG), Simon Says Monday (Mid-Summer), Fan-tastic Tuesday (AG) och Suzy Bee (AG).
God jul!
Voj nää, jag tog över ett dussin bilder men fick inte texten på bandet att synas klart... Men "God Jul" önskas det iaf.
Jag deltar i: Bunny Zoe (Bingo: Sentiment whish is on the ribbon stating Merry Christmas, I just didn't get it to show properly on the pic - embossing - charms), CHNC (layer it up), Lexi's (Christmas in July), Penny's (AG), Creative Knock-Outs (Christmas in July), Crafting for all seasons (Christmas in July), Send a smile 4 kids (Christmas in July) och Crafty Ribbons (AG w/ribbon).
Jag deltar i: Bunny Zoe (Bingo: Sentiment whish is on the ribbon stating Merry Christmas, I just didn't get it to show properly on the pic - embossing - charms), CHNC (layer it up), Lexi's (Christmas in July), Penny's (AG), Creative Knock-Outs (Christmas in July), Crafting for all seasons (Christmas in July), Send a smile 4 kids (Christmas in July) och Crafty Ribbons (AG w/ribbon).
Grattis på 5-årsdagen!
Jag deltar i Digi Sketch (Sketch only), Crafty Ribbons (AG w/ ribbon), Inky Impressions (No design paper), CaTCH The Bug (July Bingo: Use red/white/blue - No design Paper - Texture: Bow & Embossing), Simon Says Wednesday (Embossing), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Happy Birthday), MilkCoffee (Birthdays), Penny's (AG), Crafter's Café (AG),
Jag trodde att jag skulle ha tid att pyssla och lägga upp aktivare på bloggen under min semester men tji har jag fått på den punkten, men i o för sig är det annat roligt som fyllt tiden. Och visst får jag sitta tillräckligt framför datorn resten av året :)
Jag deltar i: Delicious Doodles (AG w/ Delicious Doodles), Tuesday Morning Sketches, Fab'n'Funky (Walk on the Wild side), Simon Says Wednesday (Emboss it), TTCRD (AG), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) och Suzy Bee (AG).
Jag deltar i: Delicious Doodles (AG w/ Delicious Doodles), Tuesday Morning Sketches, Fab'n'Funky (Walk on the Wild side), Simon Says Wednesday (Emboss it), TTCRD (AG), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) och Suzy Bee (AG).
Miksiköhän vinatge-aiheiset korttini ovat usein vähävärisiä?
Osallistun seuraaviinhaasteisiin: Glitter'n'Sparkle (Happy Birthday), 613 Avenue (AG/Party time), MilkCoffee (Birthdays), Penny's (AG), Crafter's Café (Birthday), Clear it Out (KISS), Pinspirational ja Ribbon Girls (Aqua/Turquoise).
Osallistun seuraaviinhaasteisiin: Glitter'n'Sparkle (Happy Birthday), 613 Avenue (AG/Party time), MilkCoffee (Birthdays), Penny's (AG), Crafter's Café (Birthday), Clear it Out (KISS), Pinspirational ja Ribbon Girls (Aqua/Turquoise).

Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Sketch Saturday (reversed), Catch the Bug (July Bingo: Use red/white/blue - No designer paper - Texture, ie. button and embossing), Cute Card Thursday (Fun in the Sun), I love Promarkers (Girls girls girls), Crafty catz (Hot summer / hot colors), Suzy Bee (AG), Artistic Inspirations (AG), Pile it on (Summer fun) och Crafting by Designs (AG).
Would you like some Candy?
I'd already colored a pic with frosties (is that the plural of a Frosty the snowman?) having Carrots for noses and as my C-world for the final Catch the Bug challenge, but then I saw this weeks fun Bugaboo-freebie and couldn't resist using JJ with her Candy-stick together with an even bigger Candy that I cut out of card board.
I'm also participating in the following challenges: Sweet Sketch Wednesday (reversed), C.R.A.F.T. (Christmas in July), Passion for Promarker (Christmas in July), Divas by Design (Christmas in July), Penny's (AG), TTCRD (AG) and Charisma Cardz (AG).
I'm also participating in the following challenges: Sweet Sketch Wednesday (reversed), C.R.A.F.T. (Christmas in July), Passion for Promarker (Christmas in July), Divas by Design (Christmas in July), Penny's (AG), TTCRD (AG) and Charisma Cardz (AG).
Tässä ihanassa kesähelteessä, ainahan jätski maistuu. Eikö vain?
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Dream Valley (Summer), Crafting Station (Summer creation), Inky Impressions (Summer Fun), QKR Stampede (Vacation), Cute card Thursday (Summer fun), Crafty Catz (Hot summer / hot colors) ja Charisma Cardz (AG).
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Dream Valley (Summer), Crafting Station (Summer creation), Inky Impressions (Summer Fun), QKR Stampede (Vacation), Cute card Thursday (Summer fun), Crafty Catz (Hot summer / hot colors) ja Charisma Cardz (AG).
Santa's feeling hot
Ooh, the photo challenge over at Catch the Bug really was difficult for me. But then I looked at the DT cards and got inspired, however the end-result just wasn't what I envisioned. But that won't stop me from entering the Catch the Bug (Photo inspiration) and other challenges: Passion for Promarker (Christmas in July), CHNC Extra (July), C.R.A.F.T. (Christmas in July), Penny's (AG), TTCRD (AG) and Divas by Design (Christmas in July).
Kesäpäivä rannalla
Tänään vietettiin hauska aurinkoinen päivä Puuhamaassa, ai että lomaileminen on kivaa! Pienin simahti melkein kesken vedessä polskimisen, joten olen ajoissa kotona ja askartelun ääressa ;)
Otan osaa seuraaviin haasteisiin: Tuesday Morning Sketches, Suzy Bee (AG), Dream Valley (Summer), Crafty Little Fairies (Summer Fun), I love promarkers (Girls girls girls), Crafting Station (Summer creation), Creative Card Crew (Sea/Beach), Open minded Crafting (Water water everywhere) ja Inky Impressions (Summer Fun).
Otan osaa seuraaviin haasteisiin: Tuesday Morning Sketches, Suzy Bee (AG), Dream Valley (Summer), Crafty Little Fairies (Summer Fun), I love promarkers (Girls girls girls), Crafting Station (Summer creation), Creative Card Crew (Sea/Beach), Open minded Crafting (Water water everywhere) ja Inky Impressions (Summer Fun).
Where's my eggnog?
Tuesday Morning Sketches, Catch the Bug (Xmas Bingo: Bugaboo character - Player's choice aka Bling - Bow), Incy Wincy (Strings & Things: Ribbon), Christmas Cards all year Round (Non-traditional colors), CHNC (Glam it up), Whoopsi Daisy (Christmas in July), Passion for Promarker (Christmas in July), CHNC Extra (July), Suzy Bee (AG), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) and Artistic Inspirations (AG).
Santas supporting trio
I'm participating in Catch the Bug (Xmas Recipe: Kraft, embossing, snowflake), Winter Wonderland (3 of trees: 3 figures, 3 Christmas trees and 3 papers), CHNC Extra (July), Suzy Bee (AG), Glitter'n'sparkle (AG), Passion for Promarker (Christmas in July), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) and Artistic Inspirations (AG).
Christmas Party!
Tammy's fab DT card from day 3 of the Catch the Bug Christmas in July challenge (color palette) was my inspiration for this card, do go see this and her other lovely lovely creations!
I'm also participating in the following challenges: CHNC (Glam it up), Whoopsi Daisy (Christmas in July), Artistic Inspirations (AG), Suzy Bee (AG) and CHNC Extra (July).
I'm also participating in the following challenges: CHNC (Glam it up), Whoopsi Daisy (Christmas in July), Artistic Inspirations (AG), Suzy Bee (AG) and CHNC Extra (July).
Seems a Little Sketchy Challenge #69 with Robyn's Fetish
This week Robyn's Fetish is sponsoring the biweekly challenge at Seems a Little Sketchy with a prize of 3 digital images. I have used My Little Cook who is making some lovely muffins (even though 3 probably would have been enough on this card ;).
I'm entering my card into the following challenges: Charisma Cardz (AG), Crafty Girls (AG), Moving along with the Times (Girls just wanna have fun, and at least my girls seem to think waving a spatula and "helping" in the kitchen is just that), Suzy Bee (AG), Cutie Pie (Use a cute digi), Glitter'n'sparkle (AG), Crafting by Designs (AG).
Behind every famous man...
... there is a woman. Or something like that, the saying goes. So behind Santa is Mrs Clause, making sure everything goes as it should :)
I'm participating in Catch the Bug (Show us your Santa), Cheerful Sketches, Robyn's Fetish (Christmas in July), CHNC Extra (July), Suzy Bee (AG), Glitter'n'sparkle (AG), Top Tip Tuesday (Magical).
Christmas in July
There's a blog hop and festive challenges all week long over at Catch the Bug. I've started planning and doing some coloring for more entires, but this is my first one for actually the second day challenge which is a sketch. I'm also entering my card into these challenges: Robyn's Fetish (Christmas in July), CHNC Extra (July), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) and Suzy Bee (AG)
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Digi Sketch (Sketch + Theme: in the garden), Catch the Bug (AG), I love promarkers (Things with Wings), Fab'n'Funky (Feels like SUmmer), Crafty Girls (AG), Penny's (AG) och Artistic Inspirations (AG/Going places, i.e. my garden ;).
Artistic Inspirations firar också snart sin 100 utmaning och firar det med en liten pre-giveaway.

P*skarteluhaasteessa teemana on Eläimet/Lemmikit, ja ainakin nuorin tyttäreni tykkäsi lopputuloksesta koska hän halusi (saunanraikkaana) esitellä lopputuloksen. Tässä kokeilin ekaa kertaa tehdä myös takaosa kortista, mutta se kyllä olisi tarvinnut jotain jujua, jäi vähän tylsäksi... en vaan keksinnyt mikä se olisi voinut olla. P*skis
Have some cake!
It doesn't matter if it's hot or cold outside, cake (or cupcakes) always taste good!
I'm participating in: Cupcake Inspirations, Suzy Bee (AG), Send a smile 4 kids (Bright colors), Brown Sugar (AG), Fairy Tale (For kids), Cutie Pie (use a cute digi, and I think this Dearie Doll cake-baking chef qualifies), Penny's (AG)
I'm participating in: Cupcake Inspirations, Suzy Bee (AG), Send a smile 4 kids (Bright colors), Brown Sugar (AG), Fairy Tale (For kids), Cutie Pie (use a cute digi, and I think this Dearie Doll cake-baking chef qualifies), Penny's (AG)
Pretty in Pink
Yesterday I got some harsher than usual feedback from my 4 year old daughter on the cards I've made; they should have only the best colors E*V*E*R (meaning pink and purple), so I made this. However, the fact that I used some green (look closely enough and you'll see a tiny leaf) and brown (the hair), ensured a FAILed grade ;)
I'm participating in: Sketch Saturday, Catch the Bug (AG), Crafty catz (Stars and/or stripes), Cute Card Thursday (Reach for the Stars), Fan-tastic Tuesday (AG), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Make it Sparkle), Send a Smile 4 Kids (bright Colors), Moving along with the times (Girls just want to have fun) and Dream Valley (Inspired by a movie/Song: Pretty in Pink and Cyndi Laupers Girls just want to have fun - weird 80s mix, I guess).
I'm participating in: Sketch Saturday, Catch the Bug (AG), Crafty catz (Stars and/or stripes), Cute Card Thursday (Reach for the Stars), Fan-tastic Tuesday (AG), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Make it Sparkle), Send a Smile 4 Kids (bright Colors), Moving along with the times (Girls just want to have fun) and Dream Valley (Inspired by a movie/Song: Pretty in Pink and Cyndi Laupers Girls just want to have fun - weird 80s mix, I guess).
Jag deltar i: Digi Sketch (Sketch + Theme: in the garden), Catch the Bug (AG), Cutie Pie (Use a cute digi), Great Impressions (Animal), Robyn's Fetish (Animals), Gem of a challenge (Animal), Artistic Inspirations (AG/Going places, ie in the air while swinging), Passion for Promarker (Things with Wings) och I love Promarker (AG).
Mina förälskade nyckelpigor deltar i: Catch the Bug (Stella Says Sketch), Pinspirational (Animal + dark blue color), Crafters Café (Red white & blue + some green, hope it's ok), Inky Impressions (Patriotic: red, white & blue, even though in my case it's blue & white ;), Great Impressions (Animal), QKR (Use a bug image), Robyn's Fetish (Animals) och Gem of a challenge (Animal).
Hello Baby!
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Pinspirational, Glitter'n'Sparkle (Babies), Gem of a Challenge (For a child / Baby), TTCRD (AG) och Artistic Inspirations (AG)
Citykanin i trädgården
Här i våra hemmaknutar ser vi regelbundet oregelbundet en liten citykanin, men den är säkert mer destruktiv i det gröna än sin Bugaboo-kusin.
Jag deltar i: Clear it out (In the Garden + Ribbon), Craft your Passion (Ribbon), Catch the Bug (Color Challenge), Passion for Promarker (Things with Wings), I love Promarkers (AG), Crafting for all Seasons (Whatever the weather - and at least righ now it's lovely summers day) och Pile it on (Outdoors fun).
Thanks for the Party!
Originally my sentiment was going to say Thanks for the party, but then I realized there was nowhere enough space for that. That's what you get when you don't plan it through in advance :)
I'm participating in: Brown Sugar (Color palette), Tuesday Morning Sketches, C.R.A.F.T. (Thank you), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) Sentimental Sunday (Summer + sentiment) and Digitally Sweet (Inspired by favorite book: I must say the feeling I aspired to is a happy, feminine, colorful chick-lit beach read, namely just about any main character from a Jill Mansell book that I always devour. But forced to choose one book, I'd say Rumour has it).
I'm participating in: Brown Sugar (Color palette), Tuesday Morning Sketches, C.R.A.F.T. (Thank you), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) Sentimental Sunday (Summer + sentiment) and Digitally Sweet (Inspired by favorite book: I must say the feeling I aspired to is a happy, feminine, colorful chick-lit beach read, namely just about any main character from a Jill Mansell book that I always devour. But forced to choose one book, I'd say Rumour has it).
Grattis på födelsedagen!
Då jag färgade Bugaboo-Nallen och valde övriga färger försökte jag göra nåt könsneutralt, men slutresultatet känns inte så piggt. Men tur nog är bakgrundspappret verkligen piggt IRL, så inte blev det helt tokigt, inte. Jag deltar i: Moving along with the Times (Birthdays), TTCRD (AG), Dream Valley (Song inspired: Happy Birthday), Avenue 613 (AG), Gem of a Challenge (Suitable for a child) och Suzy Bee (AG).
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