So glad you stopped by! You know the saying that practice makes perfect? Well, with this blog I'm chronicling my journey to reaching 10 000 hours (the amount needed to learn a new skill well) at card crafting. And yes, I'm enjoying the process :)
P*skarteluhaasteeseen mukaan kesäillalla
P*skarteluhaasteessa teemana on luonnos, joten pakkohan sitä on hyödyntää :) Kesäilta oli mielessä kun värjäsin tämän Bugaboo-kuvan ja valitsin muut värit, en ole ihan vakuuttunut että toimii mutta kiva kokeilla vähän näitä synkkiä värejä myös.
My Bugaboo-girl saves the game and participates in: Catch the Bug (May photo inspiration - sports, outdoors, blue skies), Creative Knock-Outs (Summer is Coming), Crafty Catz (AG), Inky Impressions (AG), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG)
Penguin Besties
The superwarm spring/summer weather disappeared literally overnight, as did the summery feeling from my card crafting. My Bugaboo penguin besties participate in C.R.A.F.T. (Color combo, Here comes the sun), Crafting by Designs (Friends / Friendship makes the World go 'round), Sketchy Colors (Sketch, tilted), CSAYL (AG) and CHNC (Christmas in your Country - well snow and Christmas tree are a given for Christmas in Finland).
Bästa kompisar
Mina Bugabo-bästisar (som inte ser ut att ha njutit av solen under veckoslutet) deltar i följande utmaningar: C.R.A.F.T. (Color combo, Here comes the sun), Sketch Saturday, Crafting by Designs (Friends / Friendship makes the World go 'round), Brown Sugar (AG) och Divas by Design (AG).
C.R.A.F.T Color Combo
Hello there!
I did stretch out the picture element a tad when using the sketch from Tuesday Morning Sketches, I hope it still counts :) I'm also participating in: Papertake Weekly (Ohhh so cute), Pinspirational and TTCRD (AG).
Ballonger åt födelsedagspojken!
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Sketch Saturday, Passion for Promarker (Anniversary challenge: Use your dies), I love Promarkers (AG), Crafty Catz (Embossing), Allsorts (Birthday), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (One for the Boys) och Brown Sugar (AG).
Den här Bugaoo-flickan symboliserar min dotter som imorgon skall på ett kompiskalas hon sett framemot i över en vecka.
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Stella Says Sketch, Passion for Promarker (Anniversary challenge: Use your dies), I love Promarkers (AG) och Crafter's Café (Girly).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Stella Says Sketch, Passion for Promarker (Anniversary challenge: Use your dies), I love Promarkers (AG) och Crafter's Café (Girly).
P*skarteluhaasteen viikon teemana on värit, ja väreinä ovat oranssi, ruskea ja turkoosi. Ihania värejä (kaikki!), mutta askarteluvarastoistani löytyy valitettavan vähän turkoosia. Noh, Doodle Pantryn vintage auto on mielestäni turkoosinen, ja ihanassa Paperinauhan sponsoroimassa P*skishaasteen reseptihaasteessa Herra Random suosi ja voitin pupukortillani tässä käyttämäni ihananvärisen rusetin, joka oli osa voittopakettiani.
Vilken sötnos
Jag gillar dessa söta, men stora (på gott o ont) djur som jag fyndade på Sizzix-rea (min mus, ena hund och min andra hund).
Min lilla sötnos (gjord på tapet) deltar i: Friday Sketch, Divas by Design (AG), Send a smile 4 kids (AG for Kids), Crafts 4 Eternity (To die for) och Papertake Weekly (Ohhh so cute).
Min lilla sötnos (gjord på tapet) deltar i: Friday Sketch, Divas by Design (AG), Send a smile 4 kids (AG for Kids), Crafts 4 Eternity (To die for) och Papertake Weekly (Ohhh so cute).
Last minute dash...
I got inspired to use the sketch over at Sweet Sketch Wednesday, and quickly put this card together (luckily I'd already coloured him yesterday), and I'm also participating in Passion for Promarker (Anniversary challenge: Use your dies), Catch the Bug (May Bingo: Bugaboo image - S for stripes - Flowers), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (One for the Guys) and TTCRD (AG).
Gituar Hero
Min musicerande pojke deltar i: Sketch Saturday, Charisma Cardz (May Flowers), Sentimental Sunday (Funky Flowers+sentiment), Incy Wincy (Embossing + bling) och Crafting for all seasons (Things with wings).
Look around!
I really like this Bugaboo sentiment, and thanks to it I even got to try my new frame die.
I'm entering the following challenges: Crafting for all seasons (Things with wings), Simon Says Wednesday (Die Crazy), Dream Valley (Things with wings), Top Tip Tuesday (Here comes summer), Sentimental Sunday (Funky Flowers+sentiment), Artistic Inspirations (AG/Punches&dies) and Simon Says Monday (Botanical).
I'm entering the following challenges: Crafting for all seasons (Things with wings), Simon Says Wednesday (Die Crazy), Dream Valley (Things with wings), Top Tip Tuesday (Here comes summer), Sentimental Sunday (Funky Flowers+sentiment), Artistic Inspirations (AG/Punches&dies) and Simon Says Monday (Botanical).
Seems a Little Sketchy #65 with QKR Stampede
There is a new challenge over at Seems a Little Sketchy. The sponsor this time is QKR Stampede who offer 5 digis to the winner. So come over and play with us and check out what my talented team-mates have created with this versatile sketch:
I'm also participating in the following challenges: QKR Stampede (Punch or dies), TTCRD (AG), Penny's (AG) and Simon Says Wednesday (Die Crazy).
Springtime in Paris
There is nothing in itself that says this lovely Bugaboo lady is in Paris, but that is just what I intuitively think, hence the Eiffel tower-paper in the background. I'm participating in: Clear it Out (Mother's/Female + Flowers), Lexis creations (Ribbon & Lace), Fairies (Femmes), Fab'n'Funky (Picture inspiration), Catch The Bug (Bingo: Bugaboo image - Starts with S as in stripes - Flowers) and Totally Gorjuss (Lace).
I'll lift you up!
Sommarregn är väl det enda regnet som inte är så tokigt!?!
Mina Doodle Pantry myror deltar i Top Tip Tuesday (Here comes summer), Pinspirational, Love to Create (Friendship), Card Mania (Emboss it) och Crafty Little Fairies (In the Garden).
Mina Doodle Pantry myror deltar i Top Tip Tuesday (Here comes summer), Pinspirational, Love to Create (Friendship), Card Mania (Emboss it) och Crafty Little Fairies (In the Garden).
Long time no see
I just adore this Doodle Pantry giraffe!
I'm entering the following challenges: DigiSketch (Sketch + AG), TTCRD (AG), Crafting for all seasons (Things with wings), Penny's (AG), Simon Says Wednesday (Die Crazy), Dream Valley (AG) and Crafting Café (Creatures).
I'm entering the following challenges: DigiSketch (Sketch + AG), TTCRD (AG), Crafting for all seasons (Things with wings), Penny's (AG), Simon Says Wednesday (Die Crazy), Dream Valley (AG) and Crafting Café (Creatures).
Kovaa vauhtia rinnettä alas...
mutta menköön...
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: QKR Stampede (AG + Rhinestones/gems), CHNC (Let it shine), CHNC May extra (AG Christmas), Winter Wonderland (Winter animals), Sparkles Christmas (Baby it's cold outside) ja CSAYL (AG).
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: QKR Stampede (AG + Rhinestones/gems), CHNC (Let it shine), CHNC May extra (AG Christmas), Winter Wonderland (Winter animals), Sparkles Christmas (Baby it's cold outside) ja CSAYL (AG).
Prima Ballerina
Denhär gulliga Bugaboo-flickan (som påminner mig om min dotter som älskar att vara i sin jumpa-dräkt) deltar i följande utmaningar: Catch the Bug (Stella Says Sketch), Penny's (Two or more patterned papers), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Female cards), Diva's by design (Pink), Brown Sugar (Pastels), Clear it out (female card + flowers - even if thy're only in the background paper) och Papertake Weekly (Pretty pastels).
Vintage menopeli
Doodle Pantryn kuvat ovat kyllä minuun makuuni. Tein kolmannnen kerran "easel" kortin - mitäköhän se on suomeksi tai ruotsiksi? - ja se tuntuu suht helpolta tavalta saada vähän erilaisen wow-efektin. Inspiraationa minulla oli Great Impressionsin tutoriaali mistä opin tämän tekniikan.
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: All about the Vintage (Kaikki käy), C.R.A.F.T. (Birthday Blog hop) Great Impressions (Use a GI tutorial), Totally Gorjuss (Don't be square), Allsorts (Fancy folds), Incy Wincy (Birthdays) ja Sentimental Sundays (Wheelie fun).
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: All about the Vintage (Kaikki käy), C.R.A.F.T. (Birthday Blog hop) Great Impressions (Use a GI tutorial), Totally Gorjuss (Don't be square), Allsorts (Fancy folds), Incy Wincy (Birthdays) ja Sentimental Sundays (Wheelie fun).
Mus i vårt hus
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Penny's (Two or more patterned papers), Simon Says Wednesday (Spring Flowers), Suzy Bee (Flowers), Clear it out (What's your style: favorite product: dies, theme: your - my - style), Cute Card Thursday (Paw pals) och Bearly Mine (Flowers).
Älskade Mamma!
Jag älskar mina barn, men visst är det skrämmande ibland då jag märker att jag är deras förebild... Förutom denna skräck, har jag haft en fin morsdag idag :)
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Tuesday Morning Sketches, Penny's (Two or more patterned papers), Dream Valley (AG), Papertake Weekly (AG), Artistic Inspirations (All for Mom / AG), Crafters Café (Mom or special lady), Divas by Design (Pink), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Female cards), Pinspirational och MilkCoffee (Mother's Day /Special lady).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Tuesday Morning Sketches, Penny's (Two or more patterned papers), Dream Valley (AG), Papertake Weekly (AG), Artistic Inspirations (All for Mom / AG), Crafters Café (Mom or special lady), Divas by Design (Pink), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Female cards), Pinspirational och MilkCoffee (Mother's Day /Special lady).
Koirana oleminen...
Kaikkihan on kiinni näkökulmasta, eikö vain :) Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Tuesday Morning Sketches, Penny's (Two or more patterned papers), Craft your Passion (Show us funny), Dream Valley (AG), Papertake Weekly (AG) sekä Clear it out (What's your style: favorite product: dies, and now a days also digis to be coloures, theme: my style).
Smiling penguin!
I'm on a roll, this is my second easel card, here's my first from earlier in the week that I made after having watched this tutorial over at Great Impressions. Do take a look, especially if you're like me who one week ago did not know what an easel card is :)
I'm participating in the following challenges: Clear it out (What's your style: favorite product: dies, theme: your - my - style), Great Impressions (Use a GI tutorial), Totally Gorjuss (Don't be square), Craft your Passion (Show us funny - I hope this counts as this cutie made me smile and therefore I chose the sentiment), Whoopsi Daisy (Fancy folds) and Allsorts (Fancy folds).
I'm participating in the following challenges: Clear it out (What's your style: favorite product: dies, theme: your - my - style), Great Impressions (Use a GI tutorial), Totally Gorjuss (Don't be square), Craft your Passion (Show us funny - I hope this counts as this cutie made me smile and therefore I chose the sentiment), Whoopsi Daisy (Fancy folds) and Allsorts (Fancy folds).
Mina Doodle Pantry blommor deltar i: Penny's (Two or more patterned papers), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (Flourishes), Creative Knock-Outs (Ribbon & Bows), Simon Says Wednesday (Spring Flowers), Suzy Bee (Flowers) och TTCRD (AG).
P*skiksen teemana on kesän juhlat, joten tällä valmistujaiskortillani osallistun. Tykkään tästä Kenny K kuvasta, mutta tuntuuhan se aika jenkkimäiseltä, joten ei se oikein sovellu käytettäväksi Suomessa. Käytin Sketch Saturday-luonnosta pohjana, sommittelu kun on niin vaikeaa :)
My first easel card!
I watched this tutorial over at Great Impressions, and inspired by that I immediately made this easel card with the fun Doodle Pantry monkey. For once I can actually proudly say that I was happy with the outcome and I can foresee many more easel cards in the future :)
I'm entering my monkey into the following challenges: Great Impressions (Use a GI tutorial), Doodle Pantry and C.R.A.F.T. (Birthday Blog hop).
I'm entering my monkey into the following challenges: Great Impressions (Use a GI tutorial), Doodle Pantry and C.R.A.F.T. (Birthday Blog hop).
Vårblomma åt mamma
Jag har redan fått en fin bukett vitsippor (upprivna med rötterna...) av min äldre dotter, och med den i tankarna gjorde jag det här morsdagskortet. Jag deltar i: Catch the Bug (Stella Says Sketch), Get Inky (Mothers Day with Flowers), Love to Create (Say it with Flowers), Catch the Bug (AG) och Simon Says Wednesday (Spring Flowers).
Villakeijun kortteiluhaasteessa on tällä kertaa luonnos tarjolla, ja sehän sopii kun useimmiten käytän sellaista. Täytyypä muuten kysellä omilta lapsilta jos tunnistavat mikä vekotin tässä on kyseessä :)
Just skipping by...
Min Fred She Said flicka hoppar hopprep in i följande utmaningar: Feeling Sketchy, Pile it on (Child's Play), Suzy Bee (AG) och Brown Sugar (Patterned paper).
Seems a Little Sketchy #64 with Kenny K Downloads
The Kenny K images are so fun, look at the wonderful creations my Seems a Little Sketchy teamies made this week for the new challenge! I love the SALS concept of providing sketches ahead of time for future challenges, and in the last few months there has been quite few entries, so do participate for a good chance of winning some lovely digis :)
Here is the sketch for the next fortnight:

P*skishaasteeseen mukaan kirjoituskoneella
P*skarteluhaasteessa teema on tällä viikolla bingo, ja osallistun rivillä Ei leimausta - Kohokuviointi - Mustaa. Välillä en tiedä pitäisikö minun opiskella (tavalla tai toisella) askartelua (värioppia, sommittelua, uusia tekniikoita yms) tai valokuvausta. Mutta valokuvauksen suhteen taidanpa vaan olla niin laiska etten jaksa muulla tavalla kun kännykällä valokuvata, vaikkakin lopputuloksen presentaatio siitä kärsiikin. Askarteluhan se tässä kuitenkin on se kivoin osa :)
Mina QKR-blommor (som då inte är på ett kvadratiskt kort, det är bara bakgrunden) deltar i följande utmaningar: Crafty Catz (Anything but Square), Friday Sketch, QKR (Mother's Day), Charisma Cardz (Mother's Day), Crafty Little Fairies (In the Garden) och Penny's (Pastel Colours)
Oj vad jag gillar dessa solrosor, men riktigt till sin rätta kommer de inte här. Jag deltar i: Digi Sketch (Sketch & Theme: Spring time), QKR (Mother's Day), Charisma Cardz (Mother's Day), Fairies (Mamans), Cupcake Inspirations, Artistic Inspirations (Pearls&Swirls/AG), Allsorts (Butterflies).
Jag gillar skarpt dessa söta Bugaboo-djur, men jag printade ut dem något för stora så jag fick lite problem med att få allt att rymmas. Men jag lät inte det hindra mig :)
Jag deltar i Catch the Bug (Stella says Sketch), Catch the Bug (Colours), MilkCoffee (Bright Colours), Kort o mania (AG), TTCRD (AG) och Simon Says Wednesday (AG).
In the Garden
I used the Sketch from Papertake Weekly when staging the scene for my QKR ragdoll gardener who participates in Crafty Little Fairies (In the Garden), Cute Card Thursday (Here comes Summer), Simon Says Wednesday (AG), CWL (In the garden) and Crafting by Designs (AG). Please note the Fiskars' garden tool that I so patriotically colored orange :)
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