What I *really* love about the different challenges in blogland, is that they really challenge a newbie like me to try new things and therefore develop myself, even though the results naturally at first are not that great, and then slowly I get to expand my repertoire ;)
Rudolph enters the following challenges: CSAYL (Die cuts & Ribbon), CHNC (Going Round in Circles), Fab'n'Funky (Christmas), CHNC Extra March, Winter Wonderland (Get Krafty - the outer frame of the card and the two hearts near Rudolph) and I love Promarkers (AG).
So glad you stopped by! You know the saying that practice makes perfect? Well, with this blog I'm chronicling my journey to reaching 10 000 hours (the amount needed to learn a new skill well) at card crafting. And yes, I'm enjoying the process :)
Igår sådde vi påskgräs med barnen, och även om en hel del av fröna hamnade vart de inte skulle var det riktigt roligt - nu är det bara att hoppas att lite av gräset klarar sig :)
Mitt påskgräs (som tyvärr blev i skymundan bakom kycklingarna) deltar i: Sketchy Color, Brown Sugar (Easter), Artistic Inspirations (Easter Colors /AG) och CRAFT (Weather / what season your: Spring).
Mitt påskgräs (som tyvärr blev i skymundan bakom kycklingarna) deltar i: Sketchy Color, Brown Sugar (Easter), Artistic Inspirations (Easter Colors /AG) och CRAFT (Weather / what season your: Spring).
Round round Santa...
Sorry, the Sugababe song got stuck on my mind :) My main inspiration for this car was the *very lovely* card made by Hazel, even though I didn't quite get to the same level of loveliness. However, it was simply wonderful to feel so inspired :)
I'm entering my Santa into the following challenges: CHNC (Going Round in Circles), Fab'n'Funky (Christmas), CHNC Extra March, Winter Wonderland (Get Krafty - some of the circles), I love Promarkers (AG), Paper Crafting Journey (AG), Pinspirational (AG) and Allsorts (Use those dies- even though boringly enough mostly just the circles).
I'm entering my Santa into the following challenges: CHNC (Going Round in Circles), Fab'n'Funky (Christmas), CHNC Extra March, Winter Wonderland (Get Krafty - some of the circles), I love Promarkers (AG), Paper Crafting Journey (AG), Pinspirational (AG) and Allsorts (Use those dies- even though boringly enough mostly just the circles).
Detta är mitt första morsdagskort, kanske inte helt traditionellt men mycket feminint i alla fall.
Jag deltar i: Dream valley (Mothering Sunday), Delicious Doodles (Mother's Day / Special female), Totally Papercrafts (Think Pink), Paper Crafting Journey (AG), Pinspirational (AG), Fan-tastic Tuesday (AG), Crafts 4 Eternity (Special Mums) och Glitter'n'Sparkle (Mother's Day).
Jag deltar i: Dream valley (Mothering Sunday), Delicious Doodles (Mother's Day / Special female), Totally Papercrafts (Think Pink), Paper Crafting Journey (AG), Pinspirational (AG), Fan-tastic Tuesday (AG), Crafts 4 Eternity (Special Mums) och Glitter'n'Sparkle (Mother's Day).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Sketch Saturday (Sketch #281), Pinspirational (AG), I love Promarkers (AG), Allsorts (Use those dies), Totally Papercrafts (Think Pink), Suzy Bee (Spring), MilkCoffee (Welcome Spring), Cute Card Thursday (Floral Delights), CRAFT (Weather / what season your in as in Spring), 613 Create to Create (Birds of a Feather).
Spring Flowers
The sun is shining, so I think I better head outdoors :)
I'm entering my card into the following challenges: Digi Sketch (Sketch), Love to Create (Bingo: Pink - Die Cut - Ribbon), Passion for Promarker (Embossing), CRAFT (Season where you are, which is spring), Totally Papercrafts (Think Pink), Southern Girls (Floral Frenzy), Crafty Ribbons (Ribbon + Button), Suzy Bee (Spring) and Whoopsi Daisy (welcome Spring).
I'm entering my card into the following challenges: Digi Sketch (Sketch), Love to Create (Bingo: Pink - Die Cut - Ribbon), Passion for Promarker (Embossing), CRAFT (Season where you are, which is spring), Totally Papercrafts (Think Pink), Southern Girls (Floral Frenzy), Crafty Ribbons (Ribbon + Button), Suzy Bee (Spring) and Whoopsi Daisy (welcome Spring).
Bunny and Friends
I was trying to be a clever DIY-kind of gal by colouring the frame behind the Bunny + the text myself with my Promarkers. I tested and came up with a working combo (so not even taking any shortcuts) BUT now when I uploaded the pic, it looks brown like the bunny and nowhere near the fuchsia it is IRL. Well, you can see the colour inspiration below, and then you'll just have to take my word for it that there really is something resembling fuchsia in there.
My Bunny hops into the following challenges: Creative Colors (colours + die cuts), Catch the Bug (Stella Says Sketch), Creative Knock-Outs (Texturize it), Catch the Bug (Pic inspiration: Animal friends & outdoors), Passion for Promarker (Embossing), Clear it Out (Theme: Greens + Stash: Something green), Cupcake Inspirations (Garden) and CRAFT (Season where you are, and that would be spring).
My Bunny hops into the following challenges: Creative Colors (colours + die cuts), Catch the Bug (Stella Says Sketch), Creative Knock-Outs (Texturize it), Catch the Bug (Pic inspiration: Animal friends & outdoors), Passion for Promarker (Embossing), Clear it Out (Theme: Greens + Stash: Something green), Cupcake Inspirations (Garden) and CRAFT (Season where you are, and that would be spring).

P*skarteluhaaste #226: Villakoira-Bingo
Värit ovat IRL paljon kivemmat kun kuvassa, mutta sommittelu ei toiminut ihan niin kun piti. Mutta oikeasti, on ihanaa kun on haasteita missä saa haastaa itseään ja oppia, enkä edelleenkään aio aloittaa itse-sensuroinnin :)

Outside in the wild...
... or just my backyard, as green fingers is something is do not possess :)
My city-bunny (Finnish phenomena or just name?) participates in: Cute card Thursday (It's a Wild World - or at least overgrown garden), Catch the Bug (Pic inspiration: Animal & outdoors), Papertake Weekly (Sketch #84), Clear it Out (Theme: Greens + Stash: Something green, in this case the background paper), Cupcake Inspirations (Garden) and Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG).
My city-bunny (Finnish phenomena or just name?) participates in: Cute card Thursday (It's a Wild World - or at least overgrown garden), Catch the Bug (Pic inspiration: Animal & outdoors), Papertake Weekly (Sketch #84), Clear it Out (Theme: Greens + Stash: Something green, in this case the background paper), Cupcake Inspirations (Garden) and Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG).
Yhtäkkiä rupesi syntymään eläin-kortteja, ja varmasti on tulossa kohtapuolin ainakin joitain pupu- ja tipukortteja pääsiäisen lähestyessä :)
Osallistun Villakeijun kortteiluhaasteeseen bingo-rivillä: Lintu - Ruutua/Raitaa - Sydän, sekä: Feeling Sketchy #84 (Sketch), Creative Card Crew (Animals), QKR Stampede (A Little Birdie Told Me) ja 613 Create to Create (Birds of a Feather).
Osallistun Villakeijun kortteiluhaasteeseen bingo-rivillä: Lintu - Ruutua/Raitaa - Sydän, sekä: Feeling Sketchy #84 (Sketch), Creative Card Crew (Animals), QKR Stampede (A Little Birdie Told Me) ja 613 Create to Create (Birds of a Feather).
Min Doodle Pantry-fisk simmar med i följande utmaningar: Penny's (Buttons & Bows), CRAFT (Picture Inspiration), Tuesday Morning Sketches, Crafty Ribbons (AG w/ ribbon), Crafting by Designs (Use Ribbon), Creative Card Crew (Animal), TTCRD (AG) och Artistic Inspirations (AG).
Maybe my quota of crappy pictures is slowly getting full, but then again I prefer crafting to taking and editing pictures... Anyhow, this is one of those cards that I was rather pleased with but the looking at the pic I don't feel too pleased...
I'm participating in: Cheerful Sketches, Creative Colors (even though my die cuts boringly enough are only for the frames as the flowers are made by punches), TTCRD (AG), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG), Creative Card Crew (Animals), Crafts 4 Eternity (AG), Creative Knockouts (Things With Wings), Crafters Café (Square Card), Passion For Promarker (Embossing) and Divas by Design (Flower power - as all papers have embossed flowers on them).

I'm participating in: Cheerful Sketches, Creative Colors (even though my die cuts boringly enough are only for the frames as the flowers are made by punches), TTCRD (AG), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG), Creative Card Crew (Animals), Crafts 4 Eternity (AG), Creative Knockouts (Things With Wings), Crafters Café (Square Card), Passion For Promarker (Embossing) and Divas by Design (Flower power - as all papers have embossed flowers on them).

Alltid nu och då saknar jag ett badkar för avkopplande bubbel-stunder.
Jag deltar i: Simon Says Wednesday (Glitter it), Crafty Catz (Bling it Up), Catch the Bug (Stella Says Sketch), Pile it on (Pretty Hair), ABC (H is for Hair), Artistic Inspirations (AG), CWLC (Girly) och Gem of a Challenge (Mothers day / Female).
Jag deltar i: Simon Says Wednesday (Glitter it), Crafty Catz (Bling it Up), Catch the Bug (Stella Says Sketch), Pile it on (Pretty Hair), ABC (H is for Hair), Artistic Inspirations (AG), CWLC (Girly) och Gem of a Challenge (Mothers day / Female).
Seems a Little Sketchy #61 with Aurora Wings
I feel like springtime should be here like *right now*, so that's why I went with a lot of flowers on this one to accompany the cute Artichoke Sprite. The paper on the big flower and the swirl actually stem from a painting my dauther made in Kindergarten that I re-purposed, but I loved how the green and yellow melted together. So head over to Seems a Little Sketchy for this sketch and a chance to win a $15 Gift Voucher to Aurora Wings, and get some fab inspiration from what my team mates have created.

I would also like to participate in: Milk Coffee (More than two flowers), Divas by Design (Flower power) and Crafts for Eternity (AG)
A little birdie told me...
... that I need for spring to arrive.... I'm participating in: Cupcake Inspirations, Creative Knockouts (Things with Wings), Crafts 4 Eternity (AG), QKR Stampede (A Little Birdie Told Me), 613 Create to Create (Birds of a Feather), Crafting by Designs (AG), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) and Brown Sugar (AG).
Christmas cuties
My Bugaboo-Christmas cuties participate in: Winter Wonderland (Paint the town red), Brown Sugar (AG), CSAYL (Fave color combo: blue -white (aka Finnish colours)+ red, my single favourite colour and a dash of green as fave christmas colour), Sketch Saturday, Inky Chicks (Lace up tour card), CHNC (All wrapped up), CHNC Extra March, Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) and ABC (F is for Friends and Family, and in my opinion these two cuties are both).
Cowboy flicka
Jag ville använda pigga färger till min Cowboy-flicka, men en större miss gjorde jag då jag ville ha hästen och lite glittra till och det blev alldeles för mycket, framförallt på fotot...
Jag deltar i: Sketch Saturday, Suzy Bee (Embossing), Creative card Crew (Charms), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG), Penny (Buttons & Bows), Gem of a Challenge (Mother's Day/Female Birthday) och Charisma Cardz (Birthday Girls).
Jag deltar i: Sketch Saturday, Suzy Bee (Embossing), Creative card Crew (Charms), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG), Penny (Buttons & Bows), Gem of a Challenge (Mother's Day/Female Birthday) och Charisma Cardz (Birthday Girls).
Påskhare och vårkänslor
My Bloodtype...
I'm entering: Cupcake Inspirations, Milk Coffee (Flowers), Simon Says Stamp (Mother's Day /Special Girl), Cute Card Thursday (Girls Girls Girls), Glitter'n'Sparkle (AG), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) and Catch The Bug (Bingo: Ribbon - Bugaboo image - Pearls).
Jag deltar i: Friday Sketch , TTCRD (AG), Charisma Cardz (Birthday Girls), Cute Card Thursday (Girls Girls Girls), SImon Says Stamp (Mother's Day /Special Girl), Glitter'n'Sparkle (AG), CWL (Girly), Penny's (AG) och Crafter's Cafe (Flowers).
Bugaboon rokkistara-poika on vaan niin mieleeni, sopivasti sekoitusta söpöyttä ja rokki-asennetta! Osallistun kortillani seuraaviin haasteisin: Korttisirkus (Lapselle, ja koska tämä on tarkoitettu 10v täyttävälle pojalle olen nipin napin ikärajan sisällä), Catch The Bug (Bingo: Bugaboo image - Green - Texture), Artistic Inspirations (For Kids), Pile it on (For a Guy), Crafty Katz (Boys and their Toys) ja Creative card Crew (Charms).
Saatiinpahan tehtyä oikean lumiukon eilen lasten kanssa kun sitä valkoista ainetta tuli sen verran reippaasti takapihallemme. Se oli oikein mukavaa, kuten se että huomasin "lähi-Suomalaisessa" remonttialen, ja siellä kaksi 6 kpl Promarker-setin 40% alennuksessa, mikä teki värittämisestä vieläkin hauskempaa ja värikkäämpää :)
Osallistun kortillani seuraaviin haasteisiin: Creative Romance (Seing double), CRAFT (Christmas), Suzy Bee (Embossing), Christmas Stampin' All Year Long (Sparkle & Shine), Sketch Saturday (Sketch), CHNC (Going Green), Penny (AG), QKR Stampede (AG) ja CHNC Extra March
Osallistun kortillani seuraaviin haasteisiin: Creative Romance (Seing double), CRAFT (Christmas), Suzy Bee (Embossing), Christmas Stampin' All Year Long (Sparkle & Shine), Sketch Saturday (Sketch), CHNC (Going Green), Penny (AG), QKR Stampede (AG) ja CHNC Extra March
Luck and appreciation of it!
I was super-inspired by the Incy Wincy (Black, White + one colour/Pink), especially as I first was so daunted by it. So this is my second card and again, it went so well with the the sketch from Tuesday Morning Sketches, with my 3 B's being: Black, Bubbly and Bow and as a bonus there is some Bling. I'm also entering Crafty Ribbons (Ribbon & Bows), and QKR Stampede (AG).
Struck by Inspiration!
At first I was daunted, then inspired by the challenge over at Incy Wincy (Black, White + one colour/Red). When I saw Lynnes card, I was inspired and this card is *heavily* inspired by hers... and I have another similar card in the making... I used the sketch from Tuesday Morning Sketches, and my 3 B's are: Black, Brad and Bling, as well as Birthday. I'm also entering Gem of a Chellenge (Anniversary), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG), Whoopsi Daisy (Birthday), Love to Create (AG), I love Promarkers (Let's get Spotty) and Charizma Cardz (Birthday Girls).
Music Girl
Jag och min Inky Impressions jammande flicka är båda så redo för våren och vi deltar i följande utmaningar: Sweet Sketch Wednesday, SImon Says Stamp (Mother's Day /Special Girl), Cute Card Thursday (Girls Girls Girls), Cupcake Inspirations (Butterflies), Crafting by Designs (Things with Wings), Glitter'n'Sparkle (AG), Fairies (Spring) och Clear it Out (Child+ bright colours)
P*skiksen haasteeseen vauvakortti (taas...)
P*skarteluhaasteessa oli vaikea väriteema; pinkki, kraft ja kulta. Ilman DT-korttien antamaa inspistä, en olisi pystynyt saamaan mitään aikaiseksi, mutta nyt syntyi tällainen. Hieman vaikea toi kraft/kulta yhdistelmä, mutta näillä mennään, vaikka pikkusen jäi sellainen fiilis että jotain on vielä tehtävä (=parannettava) tämän kortin suhteen :)
Christmas hug
Stamping is not (yet) quite my thing, mostly because it's surprisingly difficult = I'm bad at it. However, I gave it a try with these cuties. I'm participating in: Winter Wonderland (Christmas Couple), CHNC (Spread your wings), Simon Says Wednesday (Simon says tag it), CHNC Extra March, Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG Square), Fab'n'Funky (Animals, no people allowed), Christmas Stampin' all Year Long (Pic inspiration) och Love to Create (AG).
Feeling Lucky!
I felt very clever when I combined two cute Bugaboo-digis into one pic in order to represent my kids (that's why the boy is also slightly taller), and it was very easy to use this pic with a whole lotta Feeling Lucky / Green- themed challenges, as these cuties represent a whole lotta luck - in addition to grey hairs, but that's another issue altogether :)
I'm participating in: Digi Sketch (Sketch + Theme: Cute - I dare you to contradict me on that :), Sweet Stamps (Lucky), Suzy Bee (Buttons and Bows), Catch the Bug (Feeling Lucky), Artistic Inspirations (AG/Green), Glitter'n'Sparkle (AG), Pinspirational, Get Inky (Green) and Clear it Out (Kids + bright coloured paper).
Oh, but when making this card, I managed to be unlucky (or actually unskilled) as I broke the clover-punch, and therefore I couldn't make new clovers in another colour.
Detta är visst mitt första påsk-kort nånsin :)
Jag deltar i: Live and Love Crafts (Earthy Easter), The Squirrel and the Fox (Autumn/Spring), Send as Smile 4 kids (Easter / Spring for kids), Sketchy Color (Gult, Vitt, Turkos), Great Impressions (Spring Celebrations), Doodle Pantry #44 och Pile it On (Easter Joys).
Jag deltar i: Live and Love Crafts (Earthy Easter), The Squirrel and the Fox (Autumn/Spring), Send as Smile 4 kids (Easter / Spring for kids), Sketchy Color (Gult, Vitt, Turkos), Great Impressions (Spring Celebrations), Doodle Pantry #44 och Pile it On (Easter Joys).
Min Paper Nest-flicka firar födelsedag och deltar i: Paper Nest Dolls (AG), Simon says Wednesday (Simon says tag it), Sweet Sketch Wednesday, Totally Papercrafts (Female Birthday w/ tag or number), Whoopsi Daisy (Birthday) och Glitter'n'Sparkle (AG).
Kolla också på Seems a Little Sketchy vad mina DT-kompisar gjort med samma bild och varför inte se vad du kunde komma på med den skissen! Priset är nämligen häftigt: ett $25 gåvokort till Paper Nest Shop:en.
Kolla också på Seems a Little Sketchy vad mina DT-kompisar gjort med samma bild och varför inte se vad du kunde komma på med den skissen! Priset är nämligen häftigt: ett $25 gåvokort till Paper Nest Shop:en.
Seems a Little Sketchy Challenge #60 with The Paper Nest
What a lovely dilemma: the digis we were generously offered to choose from by our current sponsor Paper Nest at Seems a Little Sketchy were all so to my liking I didn't know which way to go. But then I remembered the surfboard-paper I had in my stash and just knew I wanted this surfer boy :)
Here you can see the versatile SALS sketch, and keep in mind the *wonderful* concept of having sketches for future challenges available in advance! Yes, seriously :)
Here you can see the versatile SALS sketch, and keep in mind the *wonderful* concept of having sketches for future challenges available in advance! Yes, seriously :)

Am also entering my surfer boy to the following challenges: Cupcake inspirations (Butterflies), CWL (Think Spring), Robyn's Fetish (Card for a young boy), Passion for Promarker (Flowers and Crafting for All Seasons (Spring into Spring).
Min fotbollsspelande Bugaboo-flicka deltar i följande utmaningar: Catch the Bug (Stella says Sketch), Allsorts (Sports), Crafting for all seasons (Spring into Spring), Creative Knockouts (Girlz Rule), Cupcake Inspirations (Butterflies + colours), Fab'n'Funky (Heat stroke), I love Promarker (One for the Girls), Deep Ocean (just for a girl) och C.R.A.F.T. (Female/Mother's day).
Mitt gulliga Bugaboo-pingvinpar deltar i: Winter Wonderland (Christmas Couple), CHNC (Spread your wings), Tuesday Morning Sketches, Suzy Bee (Buttons & Bows), CHNC Extra March och Artistic Inspirations (AG).
Jag har inte gjort många tags, så detta är något av ett experiment för mej. Nu blev det utan text, men jag tänker mig att en hälsning kommer på andra sidan. Jag deltar i Simon says Wednesday (Simon says tag it), Fab'n'Funky (Heat stroke), Whoopsi Daisy (Flowers), Created With Love (Think Spring), Milk Coffee (Emboss it), Crafty Ribbons (AG w/ ribbon) och Crafting for all seasons (Spring into Spring).
Poinsettia... sort of...
I immediately liked the Feeling Sketchy #82 Sketch, and thought of a Christmas card using ribbons, with my beloved and much-used Merry Christmas-sentiment ribbon. However, this did not turn out as planned, and the Poinsettia (in my eyes it does look like one but then again, cacti aren't safe in my care...).
Nonetheless, I'm also entering my "maybe it'll turn out better next time" card in to the following challenges: CHNC (Ribbon, twine), Crafty Ribbon (AG w/ ribbon), Artistic Inspirations (Sparkles/AG) and Papertake Weekly (AG/MYO Flower - does a die cut one count?).
Nonetheless, I'm also entering my "maybe it'll turn out better next time" card in to the following challenges: CHNC (Ribbon, twine), Crafty Ribbon (AG w/ ribbon), Artistic Inspirations (Sparkles/AG) and Papertake Weekly (AG/MYO Flower - does a die cut one count?).
Teddy BDay
My little nephew is celebrating his first birthday this weekend, so I made this card with him in mind. However, might just be that I'll get creative tonight and he'll get another card :)
I'm entering my card in the following challenges: Crafty Ribbon (AG w/ Ribbon), Papercrafting Journey (Manly/ Boyish), Divas by Design (Let's hear it for the Boys), Catch the Bug (Stella says sketch), Penny's (Anything but square), Totally Gorjuss (Happy Birthday), Crafty Little Fairies (Song or film title: Happy Birthday and a Swedish childrens song Teddybjörnen Fredriksson) and The Ribbon Girl (Birthday).
I'm entering my card in the following challenges: Crafty Ribbon (AG w/ Ribbon), Papercrafting Journey (Manly/ Boyish), Divas by Design (Let's hear it for the Boys), Catch the Bug (Stella says sketch), Penny's (Anything but square), Totally Gorjuss (Happy Birthday), Crafty Little Fairies (Song or film title: Happy Birthday and a Swedish childrens song Teddybjörnen Fredriksson) and The Ribbon Girl (Birthday).
I love my Computer...
... because my friends live in it! Så roligt och sant! Jag gillar skarpt Bugaboo-humorn :) Och det som inte syns här, är att den lilla katten blinkar skälmskt med ena ögat :)
Jag deltar i: Clear it Out (Humour +Charm), Creative Romance (Bingo: Pink - Flowers - Pearls), Creative Inspirations (Sketch), Passion for Promarker (Flowers), I love Promarker (one for the Girls), Cupcake Inspirations (Colours+Flowers), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) och Catch the Bug (March AG).
Jag deltar i: Clear it Out (Humour +Charm), Creative Romance (Bingo: Pink - Flowers - Pearls), Creative Inspirations (Sketch), Passion for Promarker (Flowers), I love Promarker (one for the Girls), Cupcake Inspirations (Colours+Flowers), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) och Catch the Bug (March AG).
Jag ville göra ett kort för en lite äldre pojke, och LEJ-pojken med skateboarden passar utmärkt för det syftet, tycker jag. Dessutom ville jag ha glada våraktiga färger, och tycker att fjärilar väl ändå är tillräckligt cool (eller neutralt?) för att vara okej.
Jag deltar i: CWL (Think Spring), Send a Smile 4 Kids (Easter / Spring for kids), Allsorts (Spring is Coming), Cute Card Thursday (Springtime), Sketch Saturday (Sketch), Paper Crafting Journey (Manly / Boyish), Suzy Bee (Make it Masculine), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Add a sentiment) och Divas by Design (Let's hear it for the Boys).
Jag deltar i: CWL (Think Spring), Send a Smile 4 Kids (Easter / Spring for kids), Allsorts (Spring is Coming), Cute Card Thursday (Springtime), Sketch Saturday (Sketch), Paper Crafting Journey (Manly / Boyish), Suzy Bee (Make it Masculine), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Add a sentiment) och Divas by Design (Let's hear it for the Boys).
Let me be your teddybear
The Cheerful Sketches (Sketch) is quite the challenge for me, but alas I succeeded in using the sketch :) I'm also participating in Top Tip Tuesday (3,5,7: 3 roses, 5 colours white - green - pink - lilac - brown, 7 gems), Passion for Promarker (Flowers), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG), I love Promarkers (Use die cuts not punches), Catch the Bug (AG), Pinspirational (esp. the teddy, the coulor green and nature/flowers) and Totally Gorjuss (Happy Birthday).
I tried for something spring-like and perhaps even a bit funky with the colouring of this LEJ-image, or at least non-traditional :) I'm participating in: LEJ Designs (Valentine / Love), Dig Sketch (Sketch), Incy Wincy (Anniversary), A Gem of a Challenge (Anniversary), TTCRD (AG), Simon Says Wednesday (AG w/ pearls) and Robyn's Fetish (AG).
Ännu ett födis-kort
Min glada QKR-flicka deltar med sina ballonger i: QKR (Anything but a square card), Papertake Weekly (Sketch #80), Cupcake Inspirations, Passion for Promarker (Make it digital), Bearly Mine (For the Girls), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Add a sentiment), Deep Ocean (Just for a girl), Crafty Catz (AG) och Totally Gorjuss (Happy Birthday).
Mina Bugaboo gratulerande-flickor deltar i: Sketch Saturday (Sketch), Fan-tastic Tuesday (AG), Passion for Promarker (Make it digital), Bearly Mine (For the Girls), Digi Sketch (AG), VSC (Kids theme), Incy Wincy (Birthdays), Totally Gorjuss (Happy Birthday), Catch The Bug (March AG) och ABC (G is for Girls).
Jag använde mig av skissen på Sketchy Colors var jag blev speciellt inspirerad av Mettes kort. Jag deltar också i: Paper Crafting Journey (Manly/Boyish), Delicious Doodles (One for the Boys), Suzy Bee (MAke it Masculine); Fab'n'Funky (Christmas), CHNC (Ribbon, Twine), Artistic Inspirations (For the Kids), Penny's (Guys & Girls) och ABC Christmas (D is for Die Cuts).
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