So glad you stopped by! You know the saying that practice makes perfect? Well, with this blog I'm chronicling my journey to reaching 10 000 hours (the amount needed to learn a new skill well) at card crafting. And yes, I'm enjoying the process :)
Oriental Inspiration
Vad svårt det kan vara att inte glömma ett födelsedagskort på bottnet av handväskan :)
Jag deltar i: Digi Sketch, Squirrel and the Fox (Happy Birthday), Crafty Catz (Happy Birthday), Pile it on (Shiny), Inky Impressions (AG), Simon Says Wednesday (AG) och Sketchy Color (Rosa, Brun, Gul).
Jag deltar i: Digi Sketch, Squirrel and the Fox (Happy Birthday), Crafty Catz (Happy Birthday), Pile it on (Shiny), Inky Impressions (AG), Simon Says Wednesday (AG) och Sketchy Color (Rosa, Brun, Gul).
Girls Rock!
My girl rocker participates in: Sketchy Colors (Gult, brunt, pink), Card and Scrap (Alt er tilladt), Simon Says Wednesday (AG), Artistic Inspirations (AG/Pink), Brown Sugar (AG), Inky Impressions (AG), TTCRD (AG), Digitally Sweet (Musical), Robyn's Fetish (Die cuts/punches)
Denhär lilla sötnosen är nog alltför bedårande!
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Chocolate, Coffee & Cards (Dogs or Cats), Sketch Saturday, The Ribbon Girl (Pastels), Card and Scrap (Alt er tilladt), Simon Says Wednesday (AG), Artistic Inspirations (AG/Pink), C.R.A.F.T. (Charm/metal) och Creative Knockouts (Charming)
Prima Ballerina
Min lilla prima ballerina dansar in i följande utmaningar: Card Mania (Doily), Open-minded crafting (Roll out the red), Crafty Catz (Pretty Women), Kort o Mania (Alt går), Simon Says Wednesday (AG), Deep Ocean (at least one flower), All dressed up (Fave color: Red) och Cute Card Thursday (Dies and/or punches).
P*skishaaste #247
P*skarteluhaasteessa on allaoleva luonnos tarjolla, ja siitä oli helppo inspiroitua :) Ainut juttu mitä kaipasin (noh, paremman kuvalaadun lisäksi) olisi suomen- tai ruotsinkielinen stanssi.
Hösten är här
I natt var det minusgrader och jag saknade vantar och imorgon blir det säkert en varmare rock också. Hösten är alltså här, och jag vill inte bli förkyld.
Jag deltar i: Tuesday Morning Sketches, Creative Inspirations (Autumn Colors), Passion for Promarker (Autumn Colors), Send a smile 4 kids (Fall colors), Cute Card Thursday (Awesome Autumn) och MilkCoffee (Colors of Autumn)
Jag deltar i: Tuesday Morning Sketches, Creative Inspirations (Autumn Colors), Passion for Promarker (Autumn Colors), Send a smile 4 kids (Fall colors), Cute Card Thursday (Awesome Autumn) och MilkCoffee (Colors of Autumn)
Med fart in i framtiden...
...klokare och visare, förstås!
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Catch the Bug (I even managed to combine the two challenges: Stella Says Sketch and September Bingo: Leaves (the die cut) - Bugaboo image - Brad), Squirrel and the Fox (Happy Birthday), Glitter'nSparkle (Must use Pink), Pile it on (Shiny) och Suzy Bee (AG w/ spots and dots - here in some clouds and the brad).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Catch the Bug (I even managed to combine the two challenges: Stella Says Sketch and September Bingo: Leaves (the die cut) - Bugaboo image - Brad), Squirrel and the Fox (Happy Birthday), Glitter'nSparkle (Must use Pink), Pile it on (Shiny) och Suzy Bee (AG w/ spots and dots - here in some clouds and the brad).
Seems a Little Sketchy #74 with Kenny K
This fortnight at Seems a Little Sketchy we are sponsored by: Kenny K Downloads. We got to play with some images, and my son really liked this skaterboy, so he is the one who colored the image I used. Personally, i just love the pink hair and bold color choices he made (pink-orange-purple is not a combo I typically use).
I'd like to participate in the following challenges: Robyn's Fetish (Use a die cut or punch), Glitter'n'sparkle (Must use pink - so not a hole lot but look at that hair ;) ), Papertake Weekly (Punch it out - no dies allowed), Crafts 4 Eternity (Your style: punches (dies), basic coloring - digi - using a sketch - lighthearted), Crafty Girls (AG), Incy Wincy (AG), A Blog Named Hero (Patterned Paper) and A Creative Romance (AG).
Raindrops keep falling...
Creative Knockouts (Happy Fall Y'All), Meljen's Designs (Karaoke: Raindrops keep falling on my head or alternatively Singing in the rain), Crafter's Café (Water related - rain in this case), Creative Inspirations (Going dotty), Dies R Us (Fall Festival), Cutie Pie (Cute with shades of autumn), Suzy Bee (AG w/ spots or dots) and Bunny Zoe (Lace).
Owl are you?
Jag försöker se positivt på att det är höst, och då är det ju de härliga granna färgerna som gäller :)
Jag deltar i: Sketch Saturday, Dies R Us (Fall Festival), Cutie Pie (Cute with shades of autumn), Milk Coffee (Shades of autumn), Creative Inspirations (Going dotty), Dream Valley (No Stamps allowed), QKR Stampede (Fall colors) och Creative Knock-outs (Happy Fall Y'all).
Jag deltar i: Sketch Saturday, Dies R Us (Fall Festival), Cutie Pie (Cute with shades of autumn), Milk Coffee (Shades of autumn), Creative Inspirations (Going dotty), Dream Valley (No Stamps allowed), QKR Stampede (Fall colors) och Creative Knock-outs (Happy Fall Y'all).
P*skishaaste: Hymyile (Ihan muuten vaan)
Ihastuin sen verran tähän Meljen'sin kuvaan, että käytin sitä toistamiseen viikon sisällä (aikaisempi tuotos täällä), mutta nyt P*skarteluhaasteen Ihan muuten vaan-teeman inspiroimana.
Silent Night...
I think I prefer my winter weather and snow as a theme for crafting, while the sun shines outdoors. However, I fear that soon the reality will be the opposite.
I'm participating in the following challenges: Tuesday Morning Sketches, CHNC (Silent Night), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG w/ two shades of blue), Crafty Ribbons (ribbon +Christmas), Kort o Mania (Alt går), ABC Christmas (S is for SOmething Festive) and Southern Girls (Winter blues).
I'm participating in the following challenges: Tuesday Morning Sketches, CHNC (Silent Night), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG w/ two shades of blue), Crafty Ribbons (ribbon +Christmas), Kort o Mania (Alt går), ABC Christmas (S is for SOmething Festive) and Southern Girls (Winter blues).
Today's Menu...
... Eat it or Starve! And yes, sometimes that's the exact thing I say at home :) But with love, therefore the choice of papers and heart punch!
I'm participating in: Sketch Saturday, Meljen's (Laugh out Loud), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Use a punch), Papertake Weekly (Punch it out, no die cuts allowed), Passion for Promarker (Make it digital) and Inky Chicks (AG).
I'm participating in: Sketch Saturday, Meljen's (Laugh out Loud), Glitter'n'Sparkle (Use a punch), Papertake Weekly (Punch it out, no die cuts allowed), Passion for Promarker (Make it digital) and Inky Chicks (AG).
En dag på stranden
Jag saknar redan sommaren...
Jag deltar i: Catch the Bug (Stella says sketch), I love Promarkers (It's all about tags), Card and Scrap (Alt er tilladt), Divas by Design (AG), Allsorts (Sugar & Spice), Cute Card Thursday (Tooo cute) och Top Tip Tuesday (Kids - och kolla den superba tutorialen gällande Masking, fick mig iaf inspirerad!).
Jag deltar i: Catch the Bug (Stella says sketch), I love Promarkers (It's all about tags), Card and Scrap (Alt er tilladt), Divas by Design (AG), Allsorts (Sugar & Spice), Cute Card Thursday (Tooo cute) och Top Tip Tuesday (Kids - och kolla den superba tutorialen gällande Masking, fick mig iaf inspirerad!).
Det blev lite dystrare slutresultat än jag tänkte mig eftersom det blåa&röda blev så dominerande.
Min Meljens-superhjälte deltar i följande utmaningar: Sketchy Colors (Sketch), Robyn's Fetish (Embossing), Cute Card Thursday (Tooo cute), Suzy Bee (AG), Moving along with the times (Texture), Artistic Inspirations (AG), A Creative Romance (AG) och Crafter's Cafe (For a Child).
Min Meljens-superhjälte deltar i följande utmaningar: Sketchy Colors (Sketch), Robyn's Fetish (Embossing), Cute Card Thursday (Tooo cute), Suzy Bee (AG), Moving along with the times (Texture), Artistic Inspirations (AG), A Creative Romance (AG) och Crafter's Cafe (For a Child).
Än så länge är det bara pojken i hushållet som spelar fotboll (och inser att man inte får ta bollen med händerna), men kanske om några år har vi också fotbollsspelande flickor i hushållet.
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Friday Sketch, Cupcake Inspirations (Colors), QKR (Things with Wings), Creative Knockouts (Outdoors), Glitter'n'sprkle (Use a punch), Card and Scrap (Alt er tilladt), Divas by Design (AG) och Incy Wincy (All things Girly).
Jag deltar i följande utmaningar: Friday Sketch, Cupcake Inspirations (Colors), QKR (Things with Wings), Creative Knockouts (Outdoors), Glitter'n'sprkle (Use a punch), Card and Scrap (Alt er tilladt), Divas by Design (AG) och Incy Wincy (All things Girly).
Ihana minä!
Taisinpa tehdä itselleni synttärikortin hieman etuajassa:)
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Digi Sketch (Theme: It's a Girl Thing + Sketch), Allsorts (Sugar & Spice), Incy Wincy (All things girly), TTCRD (AG), Cute Card Thursday (Tooo cute), Ribbon Girl (Add Ribbon), Whoopsi Daisy (Throw on the Flowers), Robyn's Fetish (AG).
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Digi Sketch (Theme: It's a Girl Thing + Sketch), Allsorts (Sugar & Spice), Incy Wincy (All things girly), TTCRD (AG), Cute Card Thursday (Tooo cute), Ribbon Girl (Add Ribbon), Whoopsi Daisy (Throw on the Flowers), Robyn's Fetish (AG).
Kenkiä kenkiä
Halusin yhdistää tyylikkään bling bling taustapaperin Bugaboon ihanilla kengillä käyttämällä jotta molemmat pääsisivät oikeuksiinsa ja tässä tulos. Tulipa muuten mieleen etten ole ikuisuuksiin ostanut uusia kenkiä, mutta toisaalta taidan nykyään olla enemmään lenkkarinaisia :)
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Korttisirkus haastaa #14 (aihe vapaa), Catch the Bug (AG), Crafting by Designs (Pretty in Pink), Ribbon Girl (Add Ribbon) ja Card and Scrap (Alt er Tilladt).
Osallistun seuraaviin haasteisiin: Korttisirkus haastaa #14 (aihe vapaa), Catch the Bug (AG), Crafting by Designs (Pretty in Pink), Ribbon Girl (Add Ribbon) ja Card and Scrap (Alt er Tilladt).
Jag deltar med mina böllopsklockor i följande utmaningar: Kort o Mania (AG w/Bling), Dream Valley (No Stamps allowed), Sketch Saturday, Sweet Stamps (Wedding), Divas by Design (AG), Suzy Bee (Anything Goes), TTCRD (AG) och Allsorts (Pretty in Pink).
Seems a Little Sketchy #73 with Imagine That
This week we are sponsored by Image That! at Seems a Little Sketchy, so pop over, take a look and see if you are inspired to participate. This is my creation, but go see the superfab creations my teemies made!
Keep in mind that the sketches for future challenges are already listed, so that's a great place if you're like me and like to use a sketch as a basis for your creation!
I'm also entering my creation into the following challenges:
Crafter's Café: Child's Birthday
Penny's: Anything Goes
Crafty Girls: Anything Goes
Suzy Bee: Anything Goes
Crafts4Eternity: Digital (the stamp)
Fan-Tastic Tuesday: Anything Goes
613 Avenue: Anything Goes w/ optional color palette - and I believe I actually have about every color listed :)
Glitter'n'sparkle: Use a Digi
Guest Designer spot at Lexi's Creations
Oooh, can you believe I won a chance to be a guest designer over at Lexi's Creations (Which is a fab name, especially as one of my daughters is named Lexi ;) The theme is Sparkle and Shine, so I really did what challenges are meant to do, ie. challenge yourself :) I was allowed to choose a pic, and Footie Ali just spoke to me as I have a football playing son, but the challenging part was combining him with the theme. Well, a lot of sparkle glue in addition to some sparkly details in the designer paper accomplished that :)
I'm entering mycard into the following challenges: Simon Says Wednesday (AG), Brown Sugar (AG), Cute Card Thursday (AG), Fab'n'Funky (For the Kids), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) and Inky Impressions (AG), Crafty Girls (AG), Penny's (Christmas / Children) and Gem of a Challenge (Summer time),
I'm entering mycard into the following challenges: Simon Says Wednesday (AG), Brown Sugar (AG), Cute Card Thursday (AG), Fab'n'Funky (For the Kids), Fan-Tastic Tuesday (AG) and Inky Impressions (AG), Crafty Girls (AG), Penny's (Christmas / Children) and Gem of a Challenge (Summer time),
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